Thursday, June 01, 2006

Sweet Relief...sort of

It's been hotter than the fiery furnace here for the past few days, but today is a lovely shade of gray fog. No sun in sight, but still warm. Ahhhhhhh. You'd think I'd have better things to do than complain about the heat right? Well, you're wrong. I could complain about not having any air conditioning in my brand new office, but it isn't Husband's fault, it's Furnace Guy's fault. He's known since mid-October that we'd be needing air in the new office, and now that the sweltering heat is here, he's suddenly too busy to help us out. I'd think we'd be first on his list but apparently that isn't how it works. Husband tried calling him again yesterday but his mailbox was full. Anyway, that's yesterday's problem. Today's problems haven't come to light yet but when they do, I'll be sure to let you know.

The spider is taunting me. I'm pretty sure he is living in the postage machine...which means I may as well get rid of it now. I can't use it again. Yesterday I saw him sitting on top of the little scale thingy and, after a sharp intake of breath and my hands flapping like bird's wings, I reached for the oxy-clean to suffocate him with and he was gone. I can't bring myself to actually peak over the edge of my desk or the postage machine for fear that he will jump at me or spray me with poisonous web.

I've been feeling a bit melancholy about Thumbelina for the past few days. A part of me thinks we will never get to hold her. We've been hoping for a referral in 6 months for the last 6 months. Each month our dreams get pushed deeper and deeper into the abyss and I'm worried that one of these days the abyss is just going to disappear with all the waiting families files in it. Cheery, no?

And I was really hoping Husband and I could go away this weekend, just the two of us. And be lazy and watch TV in bed and have room service and do nothing but vegetate. Heaven. But it doesn't look like that will happen for a few weeks. We so desparately need a date at least. We didn't even get away for our anniversary because he was at a meeting and the flu was running rampant through our household...whine whine whine...okay I'm off to brighten someone else's day!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes when I get bit by a dog, or stung by a bee, or when I'm just feeling bad, I simply remember a few of my favourite things. Then I don't feel so bad.

Hope that helps.

PS Good luck with the spider hunting - hope you get him/her good.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

The spider is definitely a male because females aren't that creepy. And thanks for reminding me about girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes, brown paper packages tied up with string...ah yes, a few of my favourite things.

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!