So last Monday, school was cancelled because of an ice storm. And then our power went out. But it came back on 4 hours later. But then it went out again. But came back on 2 1/2 hours later. But then it went out again. And didn't come back on until almost 21 hours later. So it was a chilly day. And school was closed on Tuesday as well because of the power thing.
But it was really pretty to look at:
We had to postpone our trip to Banff because we couldn't leave with all the barns hooked up to generators, so Husband was able to get us a flight out on Wednesday morning. We had to leave the house at 5:30 am. I don't do 5:30 am. We were almost late for our flight. You know it's not a good thing when the girl at the ticket counter knows your name before you walk up to it...
This was the welcoming committee at the hotel we stayed at:
The view the next morning from our was a very small window:
I would never tire of seeing this every day:
So we arrived home last night tired. We were almost late again for our return trip home. Oh, we got to the airport in plenty of time and thought it would be a good idea to get something to eat before we left; airplane cookies just don't cut it. We had a business associate with us and even though we all thought it was a good idea to eat, I said I'd feel better if we ate on the other side of the security check-point. But what do I know. I was out-voted because they didn't have Kelsey's on the other side. So we ate and were on schedule until the security check-point...the line was very long...we waited 15 minutes for our turn and heard over the loudspeaker, If you are on flight whatever it was to London, and you are not on the plane, you are not where you belong. Oy! Luckily we weren't picked out of the line to have our carry-ons searched, so as we were scooting our way to the check-in counter we heard our names being paged. Oy again. Husband and I had left our associate in the restaurant (to finish chewing - I told him to chew faster) and he was way behind us in line at the security check point, but he must have budded because he made it to the plane. He even accused me of letting the plane leave without him. As if I have control over things like that. Anyhoo. We're home. The dogs are home. The boys are home. It's good to be home. Nine more weeks and Thumbelina will be home too.
WOW those pictures are GORGEOUS. Sorry about the horrible power deal you had to encounter, i had to drive my school bus in that dammed weather, although not as severe as yours, cause one district refuses to shut the school down. weridos. so i feel for ya. banff looks gorgeous, you must've totally enjoyed yourself :) only 9 weeks till tumbelina? that seems to quick, i'm sure your counting down ;) take care, keep warm :)
Actually 7 weeks until we leave for China, and 9 weeks until she's home with us =)
We still have some ice hanging on the trees and it's very pretty when the sun is shining.
i guess you notherners have a lot more to deal with then us southerners, LoL, its not nearly that bad here!! it does look pretty though. good ol' canada, what can ya do?!? just deal. isn't it funny how people seem to "freak out" when winter finally shows its face, like they suddenly forget how to drive, dress, move?!?!?! crazy people. 7 weeks till china, wow, you must be sooo excited & have the butterflys. the kids must be looking forward to having her home as well. they aren't travelling with you are they?
Banff is beautiful, isn't it? We love it there too, but for us it's about 3 hours away.....:-)
I know! 7 WEEKS!!!
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