Friday, June 20, 2008

Long Time No Read!

I've started receiving complaints that I haven't posted on my blog in eons, so an update is in order to keep the peanuts in their gallery content. What has been going on in the world of Jaj, you ask? Well, let me share.

About a month or so ago, one of the girls at the barn quit. So I've taken over her duties and now I work at the barn on Wednesdays and Thursday mornings. And then last week-ish, my assistant quit as well. We had a nasty argument. Don't worry, I called about an hour later and left an apology on her answering machine, but I think she was the most upset when she told me she wouldn't be coming back and I didn't say anything. Lola wanted me to post our argument (I had e-mailed her and told her the whole sordid story), but it's so embarrassingly immature - on both our ends - that I can't bring myself to do it. I really do wish her well, I'm just relieved I don't have to work with her anymore. And it wasn't a personality thing...although she hasn't liked me for quite some time and has made that obviously clear...and now that I've fully taken over everything in my office again, I've come to realize that the girl didn't know her alphabet. At all. There's a right way to file and a wrong way to file...I like things done the right way. Needless to say I'm doing a lot of grumbling and muttering under my breath as everything gets rearranged and back to working order. No wonder she couldn't find anything I asked for.

Enough about that.

So now I'm working full-time at the office, part-time at the barn, and full-time at home as mom and housekeeper because the boys are finished school for the summer. I am just hugely relieved that we don't have to worry about homework or matching clothes or socks. Tigger tends to wear t-shirts and shorts as his jammies, so I never know if he's dressed for daytime or bedtime.

Thumbelina is a hoot and is growing like a bad weed. She is very bossy with her brothers (all of us really) and flips out if she runs into the living room and the TV is not turned to Blue's Clues or Elmo's World.

Zoomer just had his Grade 8 graduation last weekend. I guess he's officially a pain-in-the-butt now. Isn't that what all teenagers are??? Heh. He's a big help with Thumbelina but he does have his moments of pain-in-the-buttedness. But we all do, right?

That's what's been happening with us in a nutshell.

Thumbelina is calling me, "Mommy, are you!" and it sounds like she is getting into something she shouldn't be...I promise I will try harder to post more regularly from now on...I have all these wonderful stories floating around in my head...


Anonymous said...

Almost a full month without your blog! It's funny because my therapist has said I've been making remarkable progress this past month...but it's probably just coincidence.

It's good to have the craziness back!

AM said...

glad you are back and well. But busy! sounds really busy.

We get giant toddler messes too. I guess its our faults for not keeping our eye on them ALL the time, but whatever. Emma's thing is taking out all the diapers from the pack and strewing them around the room.

At least they are the unused diapers!

D & S said...

You have been busy, nobody can blame you for not posting.

Hope things smooth out at work soon.