Friday, February 26, 2010

A Day in the Life

It's been so long since I've blogged that I'm not sure if I even remember how to do it. It is the winter edition of PhoBlo days, so I thought I'd let you take a peak into my life...or rather peak at a day of my life. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

And to be honest with you, blogger is being as much a poo-poo head as I remember. It is not navigating to the 'add pictures' page and then it keeps losing it's connection with the dashboard.

You know what frustrates me, other than blogger? People. Shocking, isn't it. In our local Superstore, they have changed the check-outs. After your food is scanned, the conveyor belt divides into two that two people can be bagging their groceries at the same time. But if the lady in front of you has her groceries on the farther belt and continues to stand in the middle of the check-out aisle so that there is no room for you...or your cart...then it's a waste of space and energy to have two conveyor belts.

And then when you leave the store with your cart and there's a car parked where it is clearly a no-stopping zone and only a walk-through for grocery carts and the people pushing them, what is one to do? Ram into the said car with your grocery cart? Or telepathically send mean messages to the driver?


As is blogger. No pictures today.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Sounds exactly like our Superstore...I love how we now have to pay for the bags AND bag it ourselves. Oh well.