In Episode I, Obewan doesn't have a beard, but in Episode II he does. How come?
So I said to him that when men don't shave they grow a beard. And then Shaggy looked at me, as only he can look, and said,
Remember Mom - Long, Long ago in a galaxy far away. Long, long ago. They didn't have shavers back then.
And I'm trying not to laugh at shavers. And then Shaggy said,
They must've just used their light sabers to shave.
So funny my boys are.
So my salad is made and so are my pies. One is for us. The nicer one is going to the church for the banquet. So here is a before shot of the pies:

And a close-up:

The finished product:

And a close-up:

Anybody know why my crust always goes so dark? It happens every time I bake a pie. And my oven is 25 degrees too hot, so anytime I do bake, the oven is 25 degrees less than what the recipe says. I just hope they taste okay. It's one thing for your family to have to put up with your cooking, but other people? Too much pressure.
Oh....that looks so good. Now I'm hungry. For pumpkin pie. Gotta go get some supper.....
The husband is the chef in our house, and he learns a lot from the Food Network.
When he bakes a pie, he covers the edges of the pie pan (and crust) with a strip of aluminum foil.
I think you have to take the foil off a few minutes before the pie is done baking so it browns a little bit.
For what it's worth, I think your crusts are beautiful.
Oooo thanks. I'll have to try the tin foil trick next time I bake a pie. Which probably won't be until next November, so remind me about it, okay?
And thanks for the nice comments, Janet and Roses. My pie tasted really good. I had a piece of someone else's pumpkin pie at the banquet and I'm pretty sure they forgot the sugar...
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