So last night was our Harvest Party. The boys had a great time, got lots of candy, but I was ready to call it quits before we even left the house. The Drama. I finished Shaggy's costume yesterday and when he got home from school he burst into tears and said it was dorky.
Dorky. And he wasn't going to wear it. I tried reasoning with him but he would have none of it. I was feeling really rushed because I had taught a voice lesson after school until 4:00, so we got McD's for supper on the way home. It's really hard to eat supper at 4:30 in the afternoon. And then we rushed through homework and got to the church by 5:50. Shaggy was crying from embarrassment all the way into town about his costume. I told him we were taking the costume in case he changed his mind. When we got to the church, the parking lot was empty. I happened to have a bulletin in the van with me, so I checked and the party didn't start until 7.
We were an hour early (just so you know, the party has been at 6:00 for the last 6 years). And then more tears because the boys thought they had missed the party. They wanted to sit and wait in the van for an hour til everyone else got there. So we went to Gramma's house. I didn't want to go home in case trick-or-treaters saw lights on and stopped in. And I had no candy for them because we're never home to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. And no one ever comes trick-or-treating to the country
anyway. So we visited with Gramma for a half hour and then headed back into the church. And in the back of my mind I was hoping I read the bulletin right. I did. We were there in enough time to do last minute costume adjustments. When we got to the church everyone loved Shaggy's costume (Tigger is always cute) so then Shaggy decided he liked his costume after all. Especially when the other kids wanted to wear it. Tigger came up to me and said
You know that lady? She said 'Hi Tigger-boo' to me and I said to her Please don't call me boo, only Tigger. And that was our coversation, so I still don't know who he politely told off. So pictures:
Tigger as the burning bush (sans glasses because they
melted from heat):

Shaggy as the Plague of Flies:

Shaggy and his cousin the frog:

And Zoomer was too old to participate so he had to go to Gramma's and study for exams. He was a bit put out with me that I wouldn't let him stay home
alone on Halloween night. By himself.
Oh, and Husband made it safely home from Montreal, so all is well in my world. And it will be even better when he gets back here with a Tim's!
A giant flyswatter!
That is so awesome!
And I love the burning bush.
SOoooo cool!
Love the costumes! SOOO inventive! Just like a kid to hate the costume you put hours into. ARRRRHHH! Glad he liked it in the end!
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