Monday, October 13, 2008

What Happened to September?

Hey Readership, how are you? What's up? What's new? Lookin' great, milkshake!

Have you ever been extremely crabby, with no apparent reason for your crabbiness? That's the state I'm in today. And it's Thanksgiving, no less. So, I'm thankful that I have children with which to be crabby at. Oh, is that not how giving thanks is supposed to work?

Okay, then. I am thankful that my homework-induced stress headaches are gone. We still have quite enough homework coming home, some of the children are not doing the best in their classes, but the 4:00 -bedtime headaches are gone. Funny, that.

So, yes. School is going okay. And I find myself in shock that 6 weeks have already gone by and our first 4 day weekend is now at an end. Which reminds me, I need to make lunches for tomorrow and pack up backpacks, and do all the fun stuff that is my life.

I am thankful for gluten-free fudge. I've been recently 'diagnosed' with having celiac disease. 'Diagnosed' meaning the doctors I have been to said, "Well, it sounds like celiac to me." It's a hard disease to diagnose if you are not consuming gluten in your diet. Which I am not. And I am not willing to eat gluten just to get a positive test result.

I am thankful for the new girl who is working in my office, who takes instruction without huffing and getting all snotty, and who really knows her stuff.

There are a lot more things I am thankful for - such as the both of yous who take the time to stop by and read my ramblings - but now I need to bathe my two-year-old beauty. And eat my gluten-free fudge.

1 comment:

Priscilla said...

Gluten Free fudge? You make it? You may have to post a recipe as the holidays are a commin.