Monday, March 01, 2010

Is There An Echo In Here?

So this afternoon I have to go have an echocardiogram. To see if I have a heart. Heh. No, not really. Really about the echo, but I am pretty sure I do have a heart. Anyway, the reason for the echo is because my family has switched dentists to one that is closer to our home. And because some random doctor years ago said to me, "Oh, by the way, did you know you have a heart murmer?" my new dentist will not take my word for it that said heart murmer is no biggy. My doctor concurs with my diagnosis, but since "no biggy" is not to be found in my medical charts...either echo is in order. I hadn't even thought anything about it until my girlfriend said to me yesterday, "I hope you get a woman tech." insert nervous laugh So now I'm realizing where exactly my heart is located and I'm guessing it isn't just probes they will be sticking on my chest?

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