Monday, March 15, 2010

Phone Calls

Funny how one little phone call can change your world, or your day, or your mood. I received one such phone call this morning, and while it only changed my mood there are others of whom it will have changed their world. A neighbour of mine from when I was a child has passed away and I have been asked to sing at her funeral. My Dad's favourite song no less. The song makes me emotional and after after 11 years, I still have not been able to sing it as a solo in church. The song is How Great Thou Art. I have very fond memories of this neighbour, and while she lived a long life here on earth, her last few years were spent in a nursing home in much pain from arthritis. Nonetheless she always maintained a positive attitude and spirit. Just because I have pain doesn't mean I have to be one. That is a good mantra to have. Peace to you.

1 comment:

Donna said...

I had to speak at my mom's funeral and was so worried that I wouldn't do my best because of the obvious emotions. Did you do okay?

My mom suffered with Arthritis from the age of 16 and I always admired her for being able to keep all of that pain to herself and not complain about it constantly. I'm very guilty of being a complainer but I'm always trying to improve.

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