Saturday, November 17, 2007

Be Careful What You Wish For

On Tuesday of this past week, as I was doing the millionth load of laundry for the week, I found myself wishing that I could have just one day off to do nothing but lay on the couch. And then I thought, No, not one day - two days! Heh.

Wednesday morning, I bent down to pick up Thumbelina to stick her in the bathtub and threw my back out. And I've been couchridden ever since. Yes - this is day four of being able to do nothing but lay on the couch.

About 10 days ago or so, I had a fall. I didn't feel it was blogworthy - just stupid - so I didn't bother to tell you about it. We were on our way to church for the Anniversary meetings, it was dark and raining, the porch light was burnt out and I had just watched Tigger stumble on the bottom step. I was carrying Thumbelina and was soooo careful not to do the same thing, and I honestly thought we were at the bottom...except there really was one more step. So down I went right on my hip. I sat there for a few minutes and assessed everything - Thumbelina landed on top of me and was just mildly disgruntled - so the 3 of us proceeded on our way to church to meet up with the rest of the family that had already left.

So I was pretty bruised and sore, and then on Tuesday I decided to move a roll of carpet that's been sitting in our basement to make room for our new couch. That night I felt a twinge in my shoulders, but the next day I felt fine and had forgotten all about it...until I bent over to pick up Thumbelina to stick her in the tub. The pain sucked all my breath out and I could not I hollered to my assisstant and asked her to put a diaper and some clothes on the nekkid little chicklet and I ever so slowly made my way to the phone to call anybody to come over to look after her. I finally got a hold of Muther, who was very sick with bronchitis, but she came over anyway (most likely because I was in tears) and stayed until Mr. Happy was able to come home from the barn.

Mr. Happy took me for a massage on Thursday and I am finding it easier to get up off of the couch (meaning I'm not crying out in pain...I can hold the cries in now). I have another appointment for a massage on Monday. Mr. Happy has been home for the last 3 days looking after me, and Millie, his Mom, has been looking after Thumbelina and the boys in the afternoons and evenings.

I have a tremendous amount of pressure in my lower back when I stand, and it is waaayyy to painful to sit upright. Today is the first day that I can sit in the new recliner instead of being flat on my back, so progress! Yay!

I'm worried about how I'm going to be able to get my Christmas shopping done...I don't see being able to walk around a mall for a few weeks...which is really cutting it close in my priorities are in the right spot. There will always be laundry and cleaning to do, so I'm just going to my happy place instead of thinking about those chores. But the with the amount of television I've been subject to the last 4 days, and with all the Christmas commercials there are, I'm running out of time!

So. Just be careful what you wish for! I should have wished for a day off to go to the beach or a spa.


Shannon said...

OH NO! Feel better soon! What a crappy time of year to be laid up. On the other hand, you can do all your shopping online and save gas!

D & S said...

Yikes! That's not good. Take it easy and take care of yourself.

Don' worry about Christmas shopping, so long as you have the internet and your credit card, you're good to go.

kitchu said...

Oh man I feel so bad for you! Hope you are back to yourself in no time.

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Ow. I will NOT be wishing for a day off anytime soon.....

4D said...

Next time...specify! Ouch! Hope you feel better soon.

Keep smilin!

Anonymous said...

Ya, there's still online shopping. Nice try though!

Unbelievable the excuses this time of year!

Anonymous said...

...And if you need help with online shopping just let me know. I have become an expert! :)

Thumbelina's Mom said...

You're on, JB - where are your favourite places to shop on-line? I am so bummed (no pun intended) - I was planning on coming to the city this Friday for a day of shopping and I was secretly hoping to get State-side as well.

Priscilla said...

Oh wow! Hope you're feeling better soon.

AM said...

Im hoping you are getting better! Keep looking for you to post an update!