Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Did I Win???

You know, the award for having the most boringest blog evah??? What did I have, all of two posts for the whole month of November? How pathetic is that!

So what has been happening here at the Funny Farm you ask? Well, I told you about my back injury in my last post and it has just been taking it's sweet old time to heal. I really mucked it up. X-rays showed nothing, so I am on anti-inflammatories and I'm still getting regular massages. Millie's masseuse (she told him about me) thinks that I have a bulge between two discs; there are specific exercises to help. Millie is pushing for an ultra-sound to look for muscle and tissue damage. The pain isn't there like it was (I couldn't even dress myself, people) but now if I sit for any length of time or stand for too long, I can feel my muscle tighten and twist into a burning spasm. Interestingly enough, shopping seems to be okay - it's the movement. Exercise is a good thing in any form.

So I'm back to doing almost all of my normal activities. I haven't really done any office work, and sadly, my assistant has not risen to the occasion and taken on any extra work off of my plate. My desk is depressingly full of papers and whatnot that needed to be looked after yesterday.

On the other hand, Thumbelina is quite enjoying all the extra time that I'm spending with her instead of at my desk. She can now jump - both feet off the floor, as well as do a forward somersault, and well as cross her arms over her chest and shout out 'Mine!' Thanks to Zoomer of course, who taught her to say mine. This evening, our most volatile child was having a tantrum and shouting and crying (his parents remained calm), Thumbelina ran up to him and started shouting "Bad!" at him. Holy cow was that ever funny! Here's this little squirt of a toddler yelling at her brother. Of course we laughed. Don't judge us - you would have too.

What else is there to tell you. Oh, yes, we bought a new Christmas tree - a pre-lit one. Since I'm always the one who deals with putting the lights on the tree, and since I like a tree with lots and lots of lights (100 lights for every foot of tree), and since my back is in no shape to be bending and twisting, we splurged and took the easy way out. It really is pretty. It is 7 1/2' with 800 lights. Love the lights.

This weekend is our annual Living Christmas Tree. If I didn't have a solo, I wouldn't be participating this year. As it is, I might even have to leave the tree after my solo (see paragraph 2 above). There is a back-up singer for my solo, but Husband told me I was singing my solo even if he had to wheel me in a wheelchair to church. We have friends coming on Saturday to watch and I'm nervous but also earily calm. I guess I'm just too excited about seeing them again (it's Thumbelina's BFF and her parents - yay!)

My computer stopped working a couple of weeks ago for some reason and since I'm not really back working yet, it hasn't been a priority it get it looked after. Although my assistant has asked me when I'll be getting it fixed...I think she's annoyed that I use hers to check my e-mail when she's not here. So I have like 100 pictures on my camera that I haven't downloaded yet, plus I really did take part in Shanny's Photo Bloggy Days...although that was when I was couch-ridden and all the pictures are of the different TV shows that I watched, plus what food I ate...the anticipation is too much for you, I can tell.

I've got my Christmas cards signed...actually I just typed a little greeting and printed it out on computer labels...cheating, I know...but if you'd like one from the Jaj's, let me know I'll send you one. It's a picture of the offspring - some are smiling, some not so much. But it's cute anyway.

My recliner is calling to me, and who am I to say no.


Middle-Aged Moi said...

Oh, J, I'm sorry your back is so screwy right now. That just sucks. I hope they can figure out what's causing all that pain!

As for judging you for laughing....I simply can't, because I would have TOTALLY laughed too.....:-)

Anonymous said...

I do hope you get better soon and back to a regular basis of blogging. I miss hearing from Melvin and Melvinette. Oh, of course, I miss hearing about your zanny life too!

Shannon said...

Feel better soon! This has got to be the suckiest time of year to be immobile. Good luck at your solo! Take it easy and rest up!