Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What Really Bugs Me

You know what really bugs me? At least today? Because there are way too many things to mention in just one little post...but what really bugs me is when parents blame your kids for their own kid's irresponsibility.

Case in point - yesterday morning as I was dropping off the kids at school, a fellow mom came up to my window and asked me if Shaggy had her kid's shoes. I'm thinking to myself, "Why would Shaggy have Auhsoj's shoes?" I was a little confused, so she explained that Auhsoj can't seem to find his shoes (the classrooms and hallways at school are carpeted, so each kid is required to have indoor and outdoor shoes). She went looking for the missing shoes and saw a pair on Shaggy's chair at his desk and she thought they belonged to her son. I said, "But the boys aren't even in the same classroom." We called Shaggy over to the van and asked him if he had Auhsoj's shoes. He just looked at me like I was a little wobbly on the brain and said no, he had his own shoes. So Auhsoj's mom wanted to know what size shoe Shaggy wore - turns out it's the same size as her kid - but Shaggy's shoes are brand new - we bought them during Christmas break - and he told Auhsoj's mom that his shoes are brand new and still clean whereas Auhsoj's are older and dirty. And her response? "Well, what's Auhsoj supposed to do?" What is Auhsoj supposed to do?? Find his own stupid shoes. That's what he's supposed to do. I told Auhsoj's mom that I'd look around at home, but I didn't think we had any extra shoes lying around.

So this morning, I overheard two teachers talking, and they said that Auhsoj found his shoes in the boot rack where the boots are kept. And where shoes are not to be kept. Grrrr.

You know what else really bugs me? Other people's kids. Other people's kids who are rude and mean. Not just to my kids, but to every single kid at school. For the past two days I have had the privilege of driving home other people's kids. Other people's kids who are rude and mean. This kid will say things like, "You're nothing but a pile of dirt. You're mud. You eat mud." This is hurtful to other children. When other people's kids are in my care, they adhere to the same rules that my kids adhere to, so I reminded the Mean Kid that, "We only use nice words." And then he tries to twist what he has said, "I didn't mean it like know...Adam was made from dirt, so we're all just dirt." And the things he says to his sister. Goodness. There is sibling bickery and then there is no regard or respect for the opposite sex. This kid scares and worries me.

And I hate having to tell my kids to stay away from certain kids, but I do tell them to stay away from the Mean Kid. Life is hard enough without some little creap trying to knock you down with words.


Middle-Aged Moi said...


That really got to me, the "What's Auhsoj supposed to do?" Um....he's SUPPOSED TO LOOK AFTER HIS OWN SHOES! Why does YOUR KID have to pay for it? Wow.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

I KNOW!! It was like she expected Shaggy to give up his shoes for her son when they weren't even his shoes!

AM said...

I can tell it is going to be tough to be a strong parent as the kids get older. Its so hard when we have to discipline/teach other peoples kids proper manners etc because their parents didnt! I'm sure there is a fine line that we should cross, but that's hard sometimes when some kid is being bad. ( I took one of Emma' friends to the playround the other day and he was bad, and I used my mean voice on him. I think it scared him. Oh well, I gave him a few warnings before I used the mean voice)