Thursday, April 17, 2008

New Help

My assistant called in sick today, so the temp agency that we use sent over someone new for today. I think we'll keep her.

She's been doing a fine job, even if her work attire isn't 'professional'...

I think she likes her new job, too!
So Shaggy mentioned to me on Tuesday - 2 days ago Tuesday - that he needed to do a demonstration speech for today. Today. And he didn't know what he wanted to do, other than something 'Scientific'. I scoured the internet and came up with 3 options for him - dancing raisins, fake blood, or slime. He thought the dancing raisins were cool, but didn't think he'd be able to talk for 3-5 minutes about it. He really wanted to do the fake blood, but ours was a hideous mess that looked nothing like blood, so then he was pretty excited about the slime.

Our first experiment with the slime turned out pretty well, except it used up the glue that I had, so Thumbelina and I had to go shopping yesterday to buy more glue. When Shaggy came home from school yesterday, he immediately made another batch of slime...without my knowledge...with what little of the old glue was left. This batch turned out better than the first batch. So after supper, he wanted me to sit and watch him so he could practice in front of an audience. It was disastrous. It didn't turn out at all and was just a hard clump of solidified glue in a bowl of green liquid. I bought a different brand of glue, so I promised Shaggy that I'd buy him more glue before today. He was okay with that and told Mr. Happy that it was a pretty good speech until it all went horribly wrong at the end.

So back to Wal Mart I went in search of glue. I found the same brand as the first bottle he used, so hopefully his speech went okay today without his experiment going horribly wrong.

Tigger's speech about how to make a banana split went very well, thank you for asking. But we all knew it would, right? Nobody quite has the gift of gab like Tigger.

Switching gears, let's talk about chicken pox once again. Remember how I said that Thumbelina's little friend didn't actually have the chicken pox and it was just a false alarm? Well, it still is a false alarm. However, a second kid in Tigger's class is off school with the pox. And the two siblings of the first kid who contracted the virus are now both off school with the pox as well. And because I'm being all paranoid about missing our playdate on Saturday, I noticed a red spot on Thumbelina's belly when I was changing her diaper for happy nappy time (which she is rebelling against).

And because my daughter is rebelling at the moment, I have not been able to dust or wash the kitchen floor...because she still sleeps in the living room and the living room is right off of the dining room, which is right off of the kitchen. Not a big deal, except that our social worker is coming over this afternoon for our 12 months post-placement visit. Do you think she'll notice the dried ketchup on the floor??


Kelley said...

Dried ketchup on the floor is a sure sign of a happy home!

You guys have been busy with speeches at your house! Wish I could have seen the slime...sounds gross!

Those Thumbelina pictures are great!

Anonymous said...

I think it is sad that you pretend like you need all this glue for Shaggy. Just admit you have a problem and move on.

Hint: Go with more of an epoxy to get the best fumes.

Anonymous said...

Had I known you were okay with the casual attire I would have come over. Will you sign my day pass?

Oh never mind, I'll just forge your signature. I'll be over this afternoon. You'll know me by my stripped black and pink p.j.'s.

D & S said...

That's one cute assistant! I wish I could go to work in my pj's.

How'd it go with the SW?