Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tids & Bits

I have nothing of substance to say. Be warned.
  • My hands look old. It's true. I'm starting to get the old-lady bumpy vein look.
  • The other day, somebody asked me if I was 40. Forty. 40. No, I'm not. I'm younger, in case you were wondering. I guess my old-lady hands are telling a different story.
  • Mr. Happy won 2 tickets to see a Toronto Raptors game (it was a door prize at a dinner meeting he went to). Zoomer was going to go with him but has since gotten himself grounded, so then I thought it would be a nice father/son thing for Mr. Happy to do with Shaggy.
  • Is it selfish of me to want to go on a date with Mr. Happy, even though I'm not interested in basketball, instead of Shaggy doing the father/son thing?
  • But then we'd need to find a babysitter for the kids.
  • Tigger broke his glasses. Again.
  • I don't trust people who smile at me. I think they have a hidden agenda. Or that they're laughing at me.
  • My basement is mostly cleaned out, except for a somewhat large desk. Next on the agenda is stripping. Wallpaper. Get your mind out of the gutter.
  • Whoever inveted wallpaper should be hung by their toenails and publicly flogged.
  • Except for the modern stuff, because that's pretty cool.
  • It's a pain where the sun doesn't shine to take off the walls.
  • Yesterday Mr. Happy asked me how come we have so much laundry. We have 4 kids (I just typed in 34 and had to change it - some days it feels like 34, especially when I'm doing laundry).
  • I think it's safe to say that Thumbelina is now starting the Terrible Two's. They're not all that terrible, especially compared to Shaggy's Terrible Two's...but she sure can be disagreeable by times. And bossy. And whiney. But she's still cute.
  • There are no chicken pox on our horizon. Thumbelina's little friend that she plays with in the nursery didn't actually have them, it was a false alarm.
  • Unless, of course, Thumbelina or Tigger break out this week with them, but then I'll be really bummed because we are going to a playdate with our travel group on Saturday.
  • Zoomer graduates from Grade 8 this year. Grade 8. Soon he'll be able to drive legally.

I can't really think of anything else to say, so I will end my post now.


Kelley said...

I couldn't agree more about the wallpaper...and we're hitting the whiney fussy terrible two's too. But my girlie is still cute, as well...

kitchu said...

heyyyy don't knock 40 it rocks!! my best year yet and it's only gettin' better from here :)

D & S said...

You've got a lot going on! Four kids would cause a lot of laundry.

Anonymous said...

You should try sniffing glue ... I'm just saying.