Friday, April 18, 2008


It seems that we have an explosion of language happening here in Jajville. Every day Thumbelina has a new word that she'll say all day long. The other day, it was toilet. Don't ask me why. She would just say toilet. And then she'd yell, 'Mommy! Toyet!' And then she'd run to flush the toilet, all the while saying toilet. We've also had sauye (sorry), cheek, cayon (crayon), and I don't remember what all else this week.

AND last night she said her first 3-word sentence - 'Juice fall down'. How cute is that! I'm not sure if the juice was a legitimate drop or if she threw it on the floor. This morning she yelled at Tigger, 'ME do!' She hasn't figured out the pronoun I yet (not the part about it being a pronoun, just that it's a word to refer to oneself instead of me), because every time she hears the word I in a sentence, she goes around and touches everybody's eyes, while saying 'Eye!' Again, very cute.

So yesterday our social worker was over for her last visit. It was kind of sad, in a way, that this was our last visit because it's been a really positive experience for us in every way. Our social worker (SW thusly hereafter) was quite impressed with all the tricks of our Little Miss, and our Little Miss put on a fine show for her, despite only sleeping maybe 45 minutes for her happy nappy. She sang, she coloured, she bossed her brothers, she hung off the edge of the peninsula and swung while saying 'Weeee'... she bossed her brothers, she counted and played Seek! Hide!, she bossed her brothers ... it was a fun time. Really.

Her first recommendation was to slowly adjust Thumbelina to sleeping in her own bedroom instead of the living room (which is on the agenda soonish rather than laterish), and to get a 42" plasma TV to mount on her wall so that she'll have the noise throughout the night ... do we have an awesome SW or what! Actually she only said that for Zoomer's benefit. He just looked at her with one eyebrow raised and couldn't quite figure out if she was serious or not. I'm going to start looking for a TV/VCR combo to put in her bedroom. I know. I know! I've always been against TV's in kids bedrooms, and I was horrifed when I saw pink TV's and VCR's in the toy section of Wal Mart a few years back. Now I'm thinking it was a desperate adoptive parent who came up with that brilliant idea.

And her second recommendation was to put Thumbelina into some sort of program or activity with other children where she can learn that she's not Queen Bee and she can't go around bossing everybody. Because she is a smidge bossy. And on more than one occassion, our SW said, 'Boy, she just rules the house, doesn't she.' Not that we give in to all her demands ... but she's a girl who knows what she wants and doesn't mind telling you in no uncertain terms.



Anonymous said...

Are you sure she is adopted. I think she inherited the assertiveness from one of her parents. :)

That's a good thing really. She knows what she wants and how to get it.

D & S said...

I'm glad things went well with the SW. Bossy might not be the right word, like you said, she knows what she wants and isn't scared to let everyone know.

AM said...

Words are so exciting. EMma has a good handful, but we havent reached word explosion level yet. Looking forward to her being able to communicate why she is so upset sometimes!