Monday, June 18, 2007

I'm Tired

All this week Shaggy is doing the Davis Program for his dyslexia. We started today, so far so good. He really enjoyed it and Thumbelina and I got a lot of shopping done. She is such a great baby to take anywhere, she just goes with the flow. But I am tired and it's going to be a long week. It's a 90 minute drive, so we need to leave the house by 7:30, and with traffic, we didn't get home until 6:00 pm today. And I can't come home during the day and have someone else pick him up in the afternoon because Shaggy is on his own during lunch from 12 - 1 pm. There were a few tense moments of driving when I just wanted to close my eyes...rubbing helps, as does pulling off to the side of the road and getting a banana from the back of the tran to eat...oh, and did you know that although leather seats are uber great, they are uber slippery when you're trying to change a baby's diaper. Just thought you should know.

One day down, 4 to go.

And I googled Ikea, and the closest one to where we're at is like 45-60 minutes away...which doesn't give us any time to shop. Bummer.

It's becoming almost a chore to feed Thumbelina. Right now she is disgusted by anything remotely resembling baby food. Especially if it comes from a jar. So people food it is, but one day she'll gobble something up, and the next it's flung from her highchair with a giggle and a smile. And an 'uh-oh'.

Is it wrong of me to take something out of my assistant's desk drawer that she first took out of mine? I have a passion for all things post-it. It's a sickness, I know, and the 3-M company has made a lot of money off of me. I can't resist them. So I was looking all over for a particular post-it pad of mine, because even though I have an abundance of them, they are all used for different things. Different colours reflect my as a last resort, I checked her desk and there it was. So I took it back. And I replaced it with a brand-new package or ordinary post-its so she wouldn't think I was stealing. I'm not about the ordinary. In case you hadn't figured that out yet. In our storage room, there is a whole shelf of ordinary post-its that she won't touch. She only goes after mine. My favourite little teeny tiny post-it pad that I use all the time was one day torn in half. The bottom half was in her drawer, so I took it back. I have personal space issues, people. Stay out of my desk. Today I found post-it's in the shape of my initial. So of course I had to buy them. Let's see her try and sneak those from my desk!


AM said...

Too funny. One of the great things about my new job is I have a drawer full of different post-its, a closet shelf full, and then the Supply closet!

Priscilla said...

No, not wrong, just funny.

Years ago I had a boss that would go through my desk and 'reorganize' my desk and files. All the time! Then he would take my favorite pen, that I bought with my own, not company, money and put it in his pocket, which I'd find him useing later. I'm telling you, if he didn't sign my paycheck I'd have killed him long ago.