Friday, June 15, 2007

A Pictorial Essay

I never did tell you about my adventures last weekend, did I. Are you in for a treat! Last Friday we had quite the storm. Quite the storm. The boys were convinced there was a tornado coming, and for a few minutes, I was wondering that as well. The storm pretty much blew itself out after about 10 minutes of heavy winds and rain, and then it just rained for about an hour. In the meantime, our power went out. And stayed out. Zoomer went bowling with the youth group, so when I dropped him off, the remaining offspring and myself went out for pizza for supper. Husband was able to join us at the end of our meal...but when we got home, the power was still off.

And it stayed off all night. And even all the next day. In total, it was off for 29 hours. 29 hours. At least it wasn't the dead of winter this time. But it did bring on a whole new dilemma for me...Husband and I were supposed to go to the city for our agencies 10th annivesary celebrations. And Husband can't leave the farm if the power is off because he needs to make sure the generators are working okie-dokie for the livestock.

Which meant, I had to go it alone. To the city. The big honkin' city. I've been there a million times, just not as the person actually operating the this was huge for me to drive. Huge. You have no idea how huge. Seriously. Dolores mentioned a few weeks ago about beating her Goliath...well, this was my Goliath. When you grow up in a nothing little town where the big excitement is watching the traffic lights change colour, driving to the big honkin' city is huge. Huge people. I know you're tired of me saying that, but you'll just have to trust me on it.

Anyhoo, I took Zoomer and Thumbelina with me, of course, and we had such a great great time. We saw most everybody from our travel group, and we met RDC who was supposed to be in our travel group - Cassia and Lily are such darlings! Go check out their pictures...I'll wait...cute, aren't they! Did I mention we had a great time? Okay, enough chit-chat, pictures:

Mommies with their Daughters:

The city skyline:

Having a crawling race (no, Thumbelina didn't just looks that way in the picture):

I really love this picture, even though I never wear my hair like this but I dind't have a choice because of the whole power issues (no blow-dryer, no curling iron), and I'm not going to point out to you all the things I dislike about myself, because I really love this picture:

Isn't this great? The babies' beatin' up on the big kid:

Dragon dancer:


Thumbelina wasn't too sure about the dragon nor the drummer...she was frozen and grasping on to me, so we went to the back of the room to watch...the drummer had been right beside us for quite awhile. Still had a great time.


kitchu said...

29 hours? Holy cow! Glad you braved the trip alone and had such a great time, love the pics!

M3 said...

Great pictures! The black and white one of the two of you is beautiful.

Roses said...

I like the black and white pic.
And I love how Thumbelina has this look that says, "Back off, paparazzi! This is my momma time!"

The luckiest mommy in the world said...

Love the pics. I also love your sidebar profile description!! Just a perfect way to describe your children.

(Olivia's lucky mom)

kerri said...

I love the black and white photo of you and your daughter. You are both very beautiful.
A treasured keepsake.

D & S said...

It's great being able to beat your Goliath. I'm glad you were able to beat yours.

Your black and white picture is beautiful. I love it!