Friday, April 04, 2008

Just Junk

So it's Friday. The boys have just left for school and my goal is to make it through the day with my sanity intact. Why, you ask? Because it's raining, I'm tired, and we've been living with Miss Crabby Von Crabberstein for the last week. In all fairness to her, she has been exposed to chicken pox - her little friend that she plays with in the church nursery broke out with the spots yesterday. So maybe she already has the virus working it's magic inside her little body, making her miserable.

And I think it's probably time to retire the highchair. Our beloved highchair is now a hated contraption of belts and trays. The wailing and the thrashing that took place yesterday at lunch as I tried to strap Miss Von Crabberstein into it...I tell you it just wasn't worth the effort. I did get a big hug as she was gasping for breath once she realized she would not be subjugated to that form of torture.

Tigger has to give a speech in his class next week. A demonstration speech, no less. Tigger has no talents when it comes to anything involving manual dexterity...I'm not being mean, I'm just stating the obvious. He was born at 24 weeks and weighed a whopping total of 734 grams (which is 1 lb 10 oz).

I'll have to scan the pictures we have of him wearing Mr. Happy's wedding ring on his little foot. So as a result of Tigger's prematurity, his fine motor skills are somewhat lacking. And I've been trying to think of an easy enough demonstration for him to give his speech on, and then as I was looking at the bananas on my counter turning all brown and gross, it hit me. A banana split! Guess what we're having for dessert tonight...and Saturday...and Sunday! Tigger's got the whole weekend to practice.

And speaking of Tigger. There's a kid in his class who has the chicken pox - it's an epidemic, I tell you - and since Tigger has not yet had them, he is convinced he is sick to the point where he is even trying to force himself to puke. My poor little hypochondriac. There are no spots yet and no fevers yet, so he's off to school today.

And I'm in the mood to get rid of all the junk in my basement. I'm in the mood to have a giant dumpster come to my house so that I can shovel everything into a heap and toss it all in.

I'm also in the mood to go back to bed.


D & S said...

Wow, I didn't realize Tigger was a premie. Look at how tiny he is in that picture!

I hear ya about the bin and shoving everything in there. That's what I felt like when we were moving. Never again am I going to let that happen. Purge, purge, purge!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Awww.....look at how little he is! That is amazing!

Banana splits sound lovely!!!!

Kelley said...

The banana split is a great idea! If he gets to demonstrate something that he's excited about, it will be easier for him to practice it!

He was such a little guy!

Sorry about Miss Von Crabberstein...that nickname is pretty hilarious, though!!

Anonymous said...

I think the banana split is a great idea. Can I come for dessert? :)

And, sister, I hear you on the dumpster thing. We've tackled it little by little and the trash people finally rebelled and left mine at the end of the street last week. That's fine. They'll have twice as much next week :)

Happy weekend!