Thursday, May 01, 2008

What Kind of Cereal Are You?

I stole this from Sunshine & Rubber Duckies, but since that blog is password protected, you don't even know that I stole it, do you. Except that I just told you.

Anyhoo, I found this to be rather creepily accurate. Corn Flakes. Huh.

You Are Corn Flakes

You are traditional and easy going.

If something is high quality, you're satisfied with it.

You don't need much variety or novelty in your life.

You're happy with what you have. You're quite loyal.

You're the type of person who eats the same breakfast every day...

And likely at the exact same time each day!

1 comment:

D & S said...

I'm raisin bran. You are the type of person who wants in all in life...
And to the surprise of some, you usually do have it all.

If something only serves one purpose, it's of no use to you.
While people may assume you are greedy, you really are just seeking balance.

Unsurprisingly, you want your breakfast to be both healthy and tasty.
Like with all things, you won't settle for anything but the best.