Wednesday, January 25, 2006


I am way out of touch when it comes to the emotions of little girls; there is a lot of learning to do on my part before my little girl arrives.

Yesterday after school, I had a voice lesson with my new student. The boys were left to play (TJ always starts to cry when it's time to go home), and there was a family of 3 girls waiting for their mom to come get them as well. Apparantly, 2 of my boys were having a squabble with one of the girls, so the mom told me just before she left. I still don't think I have the whole story, but R kicked AJ, AJ and CJ were spitting at R and R was telling them to shut-up. Now I know for a fact that shut-up is a bad word in R's household, as it is in ours (I just feel that if you let them say it when they're little, they're going to come up with some doozy words in their teen years). So CJ admitted to burping in R's ear, possibly resulting in the shut-up comment, but AJ and CJ were only spitting at each other - not at R...AJ told me that R's sister said she is 'sassy', so he could have probably called her that, resulting in the shut-up comment. AJ admitted that he kicked R back after she kicked him (but not hard) - a HUGE no-no around here. Hopefully Husband instilled the Fear of God into them as he was telling them that under no circumstances do we ever kick or hit or spit on girls (and this from the man who is telling them that teenage girls are freaky).

I am so bad at disciplining - sometimes I have a hard time keeping a straight face and then Husband threatens to send me to my room. I asked CJ if he had anything to add to their story, and he tapped his fingers to his chin, looked around and said, "Hmmm, let me think about that." I thought it was funny, but this time I was able to disguise my smile by looking at the floor.

So their punishment is that they are not allowed to play after school and have to come directly to the van; and on Friday when I have a voice lesson with my other student, they have to stay in the classroom and be the teacher's slave...but I need to talk with the teachers first because I really don't want to be punishing them, just the boys.

To me, this is just kid stuff, but to the little girl who told them to shut-up, maybe she was really pushed to her limit...maybe the boys said something really mean to her or called her a what age does PMS start anyway? When I was a kid and a boy made me mad, I'd just stick my tongue out at them and ignore them. What is wrong with kids these days? Are they normal??? Was I not normal???

Its enough to send you to the Funny Farm...oh wait! I'm already there!

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