Monday, January 09, 2006

Our Secret is Out

Hubby came home from church last night only to tell me that our secret is out and not only is out, but the resident gossip (herein known as RG) knows too! Oh, I've been dreading this day for 10 months! No, we are not buying a baby from China, we are adopting a baby from China! BIG difference! There are just some people in this world that refuse to be educated; they have their own ideals about things and telling them how things actually happen is a waste of breath. It's going to be a long journey. It's a good thing we're going to Banff next week, because I need some time to cool off and collect my thoughts before RG starts in on me. Right now I'm liable to say "It's none of your business so shut up and leave me alone!" but that's not very Christian, so I'll just say it in my head as I smile sweetly.

The thing is, RG is a self-imposed expert in the field of international adoption because RG has a relative that adopted a boy from Russia at the age of 5. It now appears that the boy has fetal alcohol syndrom, so of course, in RG's mind, all internationally adopted children will have the same fate. China hand-picks their little ones who are eligible for adoption and it breaks my heart to think that people can be so close-minded about things. I know we are not heading down an easy path, but I also know that I have a daughter on the other side of the earth, waiting for us to take her home. I go to sleep every night with a lump in my throat and my arms aching to hold her.

On a side note, Giant Bird is back but today it is perched in a different tree. Maybe it's planning a new strategy?

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