Question for all you wise-of-the-world people out there. Mr. Happy and I were invited to his cousin's wedding, but we are unable to attend. We have not seen, nor spoken to said cousin in over 10 years, since the funeral of Mr. Happy's Grandmother. And the only reason we were invited is because another cousin wanted to go to the wedding, and Mr. Happy's Aunt told her son (the groom) that if he invited one cousin, he had to invite all the cousins. Which is why we were invited. And Mr. Happy's Aunt told me all this when she called to get addresses of Mr. Happy's siblings (Hi Siblings-in-law!) SO, my question is, are we still obligated to send a wedding gift? In today's mail there is an invitation for a bridal shower for the bride. Seems to me that they're pretty desperate for people if I got an invite, being a little-old-nothing-in-law and all, and the shower is in a town about 3 hours away. I'm not going. It's on a Thursday night at 7...I wouldn't get home until midnight...I turn into a pumpkin after 10 am I obligated to send a bridal shower gift? And what the heck is an Envelope Party??? I'm just not up on all the proper cousin-in-law-see-you-in-10-years-etiquette.
The Aunt & Uncle of my offspring were in town on the weekend to give them their collective birthday present. And this is what happened when a certain little boy thought he really got a teapot, because his portion of the gift was wrapped in a teapot box. Someone has quite the sense of humor. If you look close enough, you can even seen his bottom lip quivering:
And then when the realization sinks in that no, it really wasn't a set of dishes that was given:
Or a make-up mirror:
It was a Wii:
No, not a wha?? a Wii:
So now everybody is arguing over who gets to do what first. Thanks relatives!