Wake me when it's over...As in when the next two weeks are over. I should just hang a big Do Not Disturb sign around my neck.
So Miss Thumbelina decided that this weekend would be the perfect time to get sick. Poor little thing is sooooo sick with a very bad case of tonsilitis. Saturday she was super-crabby all day and had a fever, but she is also cutting teeth. She wouldn't eat anything Saturday night - we had all congregated to my cousin's house and so I didn't know if she was just overwhelmed with all the people there or if there was something bigger going on with her. But then she didn't sleep Saturday night and just rolled and moaned and cried all night. I took her to the walk-in clinic yesterday, got reprimanded for not actually taking her temperature (I just know how sick my kids are by how hot they are) and was given a prescription for some amoxicillan. Except this child will not take medicine. Of any kind. At all. Last night was a bit better, but I was up with her until 1:30 am because she just would not settle down. She was up at 5 something-unearthly-hour when Husband went to work, so he brought her to bed with me. She woke up at 7:45. I was not ready to but was out-voted. And the drool! I feel so bad for her because her throat is too soar for her to even swallow. Her fever is gone as of this morning, so wish me luck that I can get some more medicine in her.
Tomorrow is Husband's birthday. Yay for him! Guess how he gets to spend it. Go on, guess. You're wrong. He gets to have a root canal. ON HIS BIRTHDAY! Does that just not scream FUN at you?! So I will be missing the afternoon visitation for my Grandmother, because his appointment is with a specialist in the city, and we have no idea if he'll be in any shape to drive home, so I'll be driving him. And it's the first day of school. So I need to find someone to pick my kids up after school. And Fil and Millie are holidays in Hurricane Central until Sunday. Any volunteers? Raise your hand a little higher, I can't quite see it.
Wednesday is the funeral. My Mom asked me to sing and I said no. I've never said no before, but I haven't really cried yet, and I don't really want to break down when I'm singing and cry.
Next week finishes up birthday season with Tigger and Shaggy's birthdays on Wednesday and Friday. And we somehow have to fit in family pictures for the new church directory, a birthday party and a sleepover. I knew it would be too busy to fit in the Autumn Moon Event that the rest of our travel group is going to. Bummer. Maybe next year we can make it.
So today's agenda involves packing up the boys' backpacks for school, making sure they have clean clothes and everything they need, taking Tigger to a birthday party that he was just invited to yesterday, general cleaning, and entertaining a sick baby, force feeding her medcine... But first, I need coffee.
But it's not all bad. We do have some good photo ops:
Trying out my new boots...pre-bath...
I'm so pretty:
I play peek-a-book with Dad through this office window:
My Mom bought these for me because they're purple. That's the only reason. Oh, and something about jumping in puddles...I like them a lot.
Love the boots! Wish your husband a happy birthday from us. (You need another nick name for him other than husband)
I will pass on the message. How 'bout Mr. Happy?? Seems fitting to me.
Cute boots, Thumbelina! And as for the root canal on his birthday.....OUCH!!!!
What a sucky way to spend a birthday. Hope the rest of the day went ok. Love the boots.
Might I suggest the name of "Chuckles"
Chuckles? I get the irony, but it reminds me of a clown. Which Husband/Mr. Happy does not.
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