Saturday, December 29, 2007

Highlights of 2007

Remember last December? Well, maybe it's not seared into your memory as it is I'll just hit the refresh button on your memory, mkay? So last December, Thumbelina's BFF's Mom and I were crazy with anticipation - Crazy - over our impending referrals. We were e-mailing each other 30 times a day and checking Rumor Queen like mad women. It seemed that we parked out in front of the computer and the rest of the world around us ceased to exist. At least that's how it was for me. Which bring us to:


We received The Call at 10:00 pm on Wednesday, January 3, 2007 and it was an excrutiatingly long week before we could see the picture of the baby who had stolen our hearts. Because our agency director was away on holidays (the nerve) and she insists on going over all the files before anybody else and won't even e-mail pictures, no matter how much you beg and plead. But I'm over that. No more bitterness here. No-sirree. Heh.

We also made a little jaunt over to Banff for the annual Pork Congress:


We celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary:
I got my hair chopped off (13") and donated it to Locks of Love:
I spent my spare time shopping for important things, such as fancy dresses for Thumbelina:

March was such a memorable month in that we met Princess Thumbelina for the very first time:

You can read our story here. And let me reassure everyone who is waiting - don't lose hope. All those months of anguish and frustrations and tears will melt away the instant you hold your baby for the first time. Your turn will come! It is sooooooo worth it!

Training started so that Thumbelina can help me in the office:
The art of crawling was mastered:
Family was met:
And an open house was thrown for us. Or at us. Anyway it was in Thumbelina's honor:

The month of May was filled with school plays:

Sick kids:
And a playdate with our travel group:


Thumbelina was introduced to the Backyard Beach in June...she doesn't look very impressed with it, does she: We also had a wicked nasty storm that knocked our power out for 29 hours, leaving me with no choice but to brave driving in the city for the very first time without husband by my side:
Because I had to meet up with our travel group at a big bash our agency had:

Princess Thumbelina was annointed by pool water and officially loves swimming:
More happened in the month of June, and you can read about a somewhat typical day here and here.

In July, Thumbelina spent her time looking pretty:

Standing independently:
Meeting the relations who live south of the border:
Picnicing with the crazier side of the family:
And vacationing in the same small town where a triple murderer was hiding out:
Quite the adventures so far, huh.


August was the last month where the boys were at the Princess' beck-and-call, so she took advantage of that and enjoyed their undivided attention immensely:
It was also the start of birthday season and teenagers:
And walking!
We hosted a playdate for our travel group:
Fun! Fun! Fun!

Stay tuned for Part II...I think I've used up all my alloted space for one blog post...


Kelley said...

I love your "year in review" and I think I'll do that on my blog, too. What an awesome idea! Your pictures are fantastic, too! What a happy family!

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