Tuesday, February 05, 2008

CNY Celebration

So we were able to to go the Chinese New Year Celebration in the city after all. With 500 of our closest...strangers...needless to say Mr. Happy was a bit overwhelmed.

Shaggy gave Thumbelina a little toy camera while we were journeying along, so she and I took each other's picture:
We stopped at our friend's place before going on to the restaurant. Thumbelina's BFF was still waking up from her nap when we arrived:
Princesses in training:
All dressed up in our finery (we left Zoomer and Tigger at home to fend for themselves):
Thumbelina didn't want her picture taken, so I was holding her down while trying to look calm and serene:
We sat at the same table as our other little friend:
Shaggy doesn't usually cooperate for cameras either:
Doesn't Mr. Happy look happy? This really is his happy face:
Our table:
Chopsticks can poke your eye out if you're not careful:
We had a great time, although I must tell you that a 10 course dinner is about 5 courses too many. Seriously. I didn't eat anything after the 5th course. And the plates were not normal dinner plate size, they were very small dessert plate size. Which makes it hard to put enough food on your plate even though they do only serve one course at a time, especially when your little toddler-type child gets very upset if there is any food on her plate, and because you're the Mom, you graciously let her spit all the food out of her mouth onto your plate, and when you're trying to separate the pre-chewed food from the food you are planning on consuming, suddenly the plate is very small. Because that's what Mom's do, while the Dad's try to find their happy place.

But it was very well organized and we had a great time.

Despite the sound system sounding like it came straight out of a Charlie Brown special. Remember the teacher on Charlie Brown? That's exactly how everybody who spoke into the microphone sounded. Mr. Happy, my sound guru, said they had the treble too high.

And great news about Thumbelina's orphange! This note from Jenny Bowen was in my inbox this morning:

I wanted to tell you that a relief org has reached Chenzhou and visited the orphanage, among other places. The babies are fine. They brought supplies. We're bringing in more, maybe by tonight, so you all can rest easy. Sweetdreams in the US and Canada. Thank you for all your help and love. More news soon! http://obrelief.spaces.live.com/default.aspx

So thank you to everybody who kept these precious children in your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

D & S said...

I can't wait to have adventures like that too!