Saturday, February 23, 2008

Have a Laugh

It's quiet in bloggerville today. What - everybody has a life or something? I have a Mr. Happy who's working at the barn, a son who is at a firearms/hunting course, another one typing something on a computer, the third is supposedly cleaning his room, and the princess is asleep. And I just finished vacuuming and now my back is sore, so I need a rest. Not that you're interested in all that, I just thought I'd throw that in for free.

So the laugh. We have a fancy-shmancy phone system that gives us multiples extensions for multiple locations. It's great. The phone calls come in at the house and I can send the caller to wherever the person is they're looking for. Except the phone in our basement has an echo and it drives me crazy. Mr. Happy downloaded an upgrade and installed it, so the other night when we were watching TV, he asked me to call the 2nd line and talk to Zoomer upstairs to see if the echo was still there. Zoomer knew this was going to happen.

So I called the number...mind you I was half lying on the couch and the phone was on the table up near my head, so I could only partially see the numbers as I was dialing. Our conversation went something like this:

Zoomer: Hullo (in a whispery, bored, monotone sounding voice)

Me: It's me.

Zoomer: Uhuh

Me: Watcha doin?

Zoomer: Nuthin

Me: Hey, there's no echo.

Zoomer: Uhuh

Me: Why is your voice like that?

Zoomer: What do you mean?

Me: Why are you disguising your voice? You sound like an old man!

Zoomer: What?

Me: Your voice - you're starting to freak me out!

Zoomer: Who is this?

Me: Oh Zoomer!

And I hung up. And then Zoomer came downstairs wondering why I hadn't called him yet...

I have no idea who I called...but the conversation was exactly like one I'd have with Zoomer, that's why I thought it was him...except I was starting to get freaked out because his voice never changed from the whispery, bored, monotone, and I was surprised that Zoomer could pull that off for so long.

Mr. Happy said I probably insulted a very nice old man.

And Thumbelina was a stinker going to bed that night. She was just running circles in her playpen and falling and giggling. When we went to bed, she was nekkid. Totally nekkid and asleep. And her bed was wet. I sure hope she grows out of this clothing aversion thing before she gets too much older!


Kelley said...

Ha, ha, ha!!!!!! Great phone story! I'm sorry your back is sore...makes me think I need to get up and vacuum while Chloe's still asleep. (I appreciate the hint!)

Priscilla said...

Oh that is creepy!

I wonder who it was and why he didn't notice that he didn't know you.

Vewy vewy cweeepy!

kitchu said...

That is hysterical... !

Anonymous said...

I had a conversation with my father last night. He said some nice lady phoned him and started a conversation with him. But then she became strangly arrogant and insulting. Can you imagine, the nice lady called him "old" and "doppy". And then hung up on him! I guess that is this generations way of making prank phone calls.

Middle-Aged Moi said...

That phone call was hilarious!

D & S said...

You're too funny!