Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Can you guess what this is:

1 Browser pay per use @ $30.72/MB x 3.4804 MB, totalling $106.92
161 Text Messages Sent
60 Text Messages Received
1 Download of a Screen Saver

Anybody? Anybody?

Give up?

This is what happens when your 12-year-old sneaks an extra company phone and uses for 2 weeks before getting caught. 2 WEEKS. 2. Totalling $202.96. TWO HUNDRED BUCKS. Yah, he'll be paying that from his own money. It was kind of funny though, as Husband and I were going over the details of the bill with him, I could see Zoomer gulping every now and then. Kids.

Oh, and I'm still at a big fat zippo for R-R-Roll Up The Rim.


Anonymous said...

I have to admit, I did laugh a bit when I read this. I was just thinking that he's got a $400 a month habit. Perhaps habit is not the best word here.

You might want to let him know that if he can afford that kind of cell phone bill, he could probably turn in the cell phone and rent an apartment.

I'm sure we can find a way to joke about this at a future family gathering

As for the Roll up the Rim, I am zero for four on my hot chocolates. Odds are 1 in 9 so I must be getting close!

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

Yikes!! I have heard this happening to a lot of parents at our school and think that it is so funny that the kids don't think about what will happen once the bill comes in. The biggest bill I have heard about was for $1700!

Thumbelina's Mom said...

The kid would have to do a lot of extra chores to work off that kind of debt! Wow.

D & S said...

Wow that's a lot. Good for you for making him take responsibility. This is one lesson he won't forget.

Val, Ron and Miss Olivia said...

I LOVE YOUR KIDS!!!!! How many more days until you have another one??

Thumbelina's Mom said...

5 DAYS!!! I'M HAVING A BABY IN 5 DAYS!!! hahahahahaha

I've gone mad....

Anonymous said...

BUSTED! I would definitely make him pay too!

Janet T.