Saturday, March 03, 2007

Spring is in the Air

Not everywhere I look around, just at Tim Horton's. It is officially R-R-Roll up the Rim time again! I must admit, since having the flu a few weeks ago, my coffee consumption has gone down, but I still do average 1 a day from Tim's (instead of 3), and that's not including my morning coffee. So Husband has already won a free coffee - with his first rim even. AND he was the first customer to get a R-R-Roll up the Rim cup because he stopped in just after midnight on the day it started. Me? Zippity-doo. This is giving me a feeling of de-ja-vu. Last year I think I won a donut. For the entire contest.

So yesterday was a snow day and the boys enjoyed being lazy. Tigger wanted me to draw him a spider-man, and while I'm no artist, anything I draw is wonderful in the eyes of my 7-year-old. He drew Doc Oc, I drew a web, he drew a spider and he cut everything out. I cut the spider out for him because it was tricky around all those legs. He spent hours playing with his paper super-hero and villian. Hours. It was way cute.

I did some more painting in Thumbelina's room. I love the colour I chose, but I just wasn't happy with how it looked. It was boring. And I needed more paint anyway for touch-ups, so I bought some a shade darker, and some glaze. My idea was to just kind of rub the paint on the wall for interest. But I didn't like it. So before I finished, I decided to sponge over top of it. When I did the last wall of the rubbing, I used a lot more water than I had been using, and when it dried I loved it. Except I had already started the sponging...which was looking hideous. So I re-did the rubbing over top of the sponging, using extra water. I think I like it. I haven't actually looked at it today but my arm feels like it is literally going to fall off so I'm leaving it. I'm also going to paint a vine with leaves and small pink daisies around the edges where the paint technique meets up with the flat paint on the ceiling. I hope it turns out.

But today I need to shop and clean but I think Muther and Sylvie (my SIL) are coming on Monday to help me paint.


Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

I have already won a coffee from RUTR! I love this time of the year and Timmie's is my favorite. ;)
Thumbelina's room sounds awesome and I'm sure she will love it. Have a happy Saturday!

Roses said...

Any more paint, and the room's going to be too small! ;)

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Thumbelina's room does sound amazing. Wanna paint ours? It's sitting there until I have time to do it in the summer. Right now it's our "puppet show room".

I have won a free coffee from Timmy's. Yippee. I was hoping for the car. :-)

AM said...

I hope you post pictures of the nursery when it is all done!

Shannon said...

Thumbelina's room sounds so cool! Let's see pictures!