Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It's a Miracle!

Guess what! Go on, guess! Give up? Thumbelina slept the whole night. The.whole.night. She awoke at 5:40 am, which is and ungodly hour, but still she slept in the play pen the whole night long. She did stir and cry out a few times, but she stayed asleep. Asleep. And I'm exhausted this morning. Now, if I can just get her to lay down for her happy nappies instead of needing to be held...

So Mother's Day was quiet since Thumbelina was still sporting quite a cough...and now Tigger has it. Why is it that the only thing kids share freely are germs? We did go over to Fil & Millies and fellowshipped with the relations. It was a nice time.

Thus, I will leave you with pictures.

Sorry, no captions for the pictures. My assisstant will be here any second and I'm sill in my jammies.


D & S said...

Hooray for sleeping through the night.

Thumbelina is such a cutie.

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...