Saturday, May 05, 2007

Thumbelina and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Night

(Have you ever read this book? It's one of my all-time favourite children's books)

So last night my poor little Princess had her first nightmare/terror since coming home. I'm not convinced it was a night terror - we experienced those when Zoomer was a toddler and this was different. The poor little thing was so upset and crying so hard, it took Husband a long time to calm her down, and then just when she was starting to calm down, she saw me out of the corner of her eye and the wailing began again. Husband gave her to me but it didn't help; I thought she would calm right down, because let's face it - most babies only want Mama when they're upset - so it took me quite awhile to calm her down as well. But she finally did settle. And then she wanted nothing to do with sleeping - almost like she was afraid to go back to sleep. She would just grip my arms when I tried to rock her. Today she has been extra-clingy as well, as in not even wanting to be held very much by Husband and he's her favourite person. Except for today. It was me (yay). Is that wrong of me to be happy that I'm the favourite person in her life for today?

When Zoomer would have his night terrors, he would be screaming and crying in bed and be looking right at us, but not be awake. We would soothe him and after a few minutes he would go back to sleep with no ill effects the next day. So it was different than what we experienced with Thumbelina.

I'm hoping tonight is a better night, because tomorrow is her birthday! Yay for cake!!!


D & S said...

Poor thing and poor you guys! I hope she doesn't have any more nightmares and she settles down.

AM said...

OMG! Her birthday! WOW! I love your new site btw.

Middle-Aged Moi said...

I really hope you can get some sleep tonight! Rest, girl, you may need it. And enjoy your celebrations!

RDC said...

Fingers crossed that she sleeps tonight and HAPPY BDAY!!