Monday, January 28, 2008


I could tell you about the burn that Thumbelina has on her hand and fingers...and the fact that certain siblings were assigned to play with her but instead were playing the Wii thusly resulting in the poor princess burning her hand on the fireplace...but I won't because although she has bitten off one of the blisters and freaks out whenever her bandaid falls off, her hand and fingers are doing okay.

And I could tell you about yesterday morning before Sunday School when Thumbelina fell off of her chair...or possibly was pushed, the teachers aren't exactly sure...thusly resulting in blood coming forth from Thumbelina's mouth and we not knowing exactly where said blood was coming from...even getting a second opinion from a nurse at church...but I won't. Because although we initially thought she knocked her two front teeth loose, and then determining it wasn't her teeth but possibly a gum injury, and then actually seeing a cut on the inside of her lip later in the day, her mouth is doing fine.

But I will tell you about what happened in Sunday School yesterday morning after the chair incident. About an hour and half after the mishap, Thumbelina's teacher told me that her mouth was still bleeding, so I went and talked to Mr. Happy and asked if we should call the dentist. Just to see what he thought about it all. Mr. Happy and I both went in to Thumbelina's class and took a peak at her mouth and decided it wasn't, in fact, her teeth that were injured. Of course I couldn't leave Thumbelina after that, so I stayed in her class with her.

During singing time, my girl was sitting on my lap and she turned around and kissed my arm. You cannot even begin to imagine what a big deal this is. This is HUGE people. HUGE. My girl is not one to lavish her affections on anybody...only inanimate objects...or her toes...not the boys, or Mr. Happy or me. We waited 7 whole months for her just to kiss us on the lips, and it was well worth the wait, but it only lasted for those few precious hours and she was back to giving us the top of her head whenever we asked for a kiss.

It is taking a lot of time for Thumbelina to feel secure enough and comfortable enough to show affection on her own, so for her to just turn around and kiss my arm...Wow. Seriously, Wow. She has now officially been with us longer than she was in the orphanage, and I've always heard that internationally adopted children seem to 'relax' after 6 months and again after a year. We are approaching our one year anniversary, so I'm hopeful that my girl will be able to show her feelings uninhibited. Except the displeasure. She's really good at showing displeasure.


D & S said...

Poor Thumbelina! Blisters and a bleeding mouth, not good.

Yay for the kiss on the arm! That is wonderful to hear.

crazylady said...

What a breakthrough. No one understands it unless you've been there. It took 7 months before Jazz would 'cling' on to me and hold me when I carried her and 9 months before she'd put her head on my shoulder. I can't recall how long a kiss took.
Celebrate with more kisses.
Baby steps.
And you seem to be having way too many accidents... highly suspect.