Wednesday, February 13, 2008

One of Those Days

Today was one of those days. A double Joe Louis kind of day.

Shaggy and I had a rough morning. It was the kind of morning where you just want to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over head as you find your happy place. Shaggy was up at 6:25 because he thought it was a snow day. And when I told him it wasn't...he went nuclear. He only gets up that early on his days off from school.

And later on, while Thumbelina was having her quiet time, I was cleaning bedrooms. When I peaked in on her, she was little miss nekkid again. Except this time there was poop. She looked at me all innocent like and asked, "Ba?" Meaning, "Bath?" After her bath I stuck her in the highchair whilst I cleaned up the mess. It wasn't squishy, so it wasn't too hard to clean, but I did end up throwing a lite saber out because there was some poop squished in the grooves of the was just too gross to even think about.

Plus I'm getting annoyed with my assistant. I always say that the only stupid questions are the ones that aren't asked, but today I found out that there really can be stupid questions asked.

And now there's a third Joe Louis calling out to me...and I'm finding it ever so hard to resist his calls.


Kelley said...

It's one of those days that actually sounds quite funny as long as you're not the one living it. :) Hang in there!

AM said...

eeewww. Sorry about the mess you had to clean up. Last night Emma peed when I first put her in the tub (which I chose not to care about with all that soap and water in there) but I was terrified she would poo too. She knew she was peeing, which is a HUGE milestone, so I kept asking her if she had a stinky too, and she would grab her bottom, but thankfully no stinkies. I dont think I had the stamina to deal with that last night.

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Oh Dear. I know "those" days. UGh. I hope today is better! Happy Heart Day!

D & S said...

Mint chocolate chip ice cream works wonders too.

polkadot said...

Ba means poop in Chinese.

Just sayin'...