Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Telemarketers are not my favourite people. For one thing, they always call when you're busy - I think they do that on purpose because they know you're mind is elsewhere...like rescuing the baby as she's climbing onto the counter...or trying to stop the boys from beating each other up...your mind just isn't into the conversation at hand and you'll pretty much agree to anything just to get off the phone and extinguish the small fire now burning on the stove. And they think they're so clever when the first time they call you're eating supper and you ask them to call back another time...all the while secretly hoping they forget...and they make little notes about you to try to impress you. Except sometimes, if they write down the wrong information, their devious little plan backfires on them. Heh.

This was tonight's conversation with a charity who is hosting a laser lightshow or some such deal. Now bear in mind that there are charities that I do donate to, but there are so many around, I just can't give to everybody.

TM (Telemarketer): Hello, is Mrs. Jaj there?

Me (Me): Speaking.

TM: Oh hello, Mrs. Jaj. I'm with a really good charity - you remember I was talking with you, oh when was it...last Thursday or Friday and you were about to go out for supper and shopping or something? And you asked me to call you back?

Me: We were eating supper.

TM: Oh. That's right. Well, anyways, the show is really great and blah blah blah. Can we count on your support again this year?

This is a charity that I've never heard of before, therefore I have not supported them in the past. I don't like it that they're assuming I won't remember which charities I support.

Me: We're not financially able to help out this year.

TM: That's too bad. Not even to sponser anybody?

Me: No.

TM: Well, I hope you had a good time shopping. I don't know what you were shopping for, maybe groceries, or...

Me: We were eating supper.

TM: Um...Mumble Mumble...click...

Hopefully I won't be hearing from them anytime soon.

And speaking of charities, if you are able to help out the China earthquake victims in any way, Half the Sky Foundation, Love Without Boundaries, and Canada Helps have all set up special funds to take your donations.


kitchu said...


Middle-Aged Moi said...

How much do I hate telemarketers? Let me count the ways......

D & S said...

We get harassed all the time. It's so annoying.