Monday, July 16, 2007

I Want to Scream

I am so grossed out, I think I'm going to be sick.

This morning I found a spider stuck in a tin foil type cooking pan. I had brought a box of stuff up from the basement the other day, getting ready to give to Goodwill, and I think this thing was living inside the box. The box is now on the back porch because I can't touch it. And I have the creepy crawlies all over me.

The spider sure looked like a Brown Recluse, but according to Mr. Google, it isn't supposed to be in the Great White's only as far North as Ohio. But still. I don't know what else kind it could be. I sprayed half a can of Raid on it, so it's all nicely curled up in a little ball. It looked like one. It acted like one. And I am so freaked out because my laundry room is down in the we have a lot more clearing out to Zoomer lives down there...oy....

We're going to have to move.


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed you got close enough to be able to Raid it!! And I'm with you, I'd be looking over the real estate ads right around now!lol


Middle-Aged Moi said...

Perhaps moving is a little extreme....:-)

D & S said...

That is gross. Yuck, yuck, yuck!

Kelley said...

We have had some spiders in our basement, and after extensive Internet research, my husband told me that lots of spiders come in houses to keep from drying out, and lots of times they aren't the dangerous spiders. So, maybe it wasn't a brown recluse. I'd keep more Raid on hand, just in case, though...and tall chairs to jump on!

AM said...

I announced to Jason that we were also going to have to move because the darn roaches wont leave us alone. DO you have roaches up there?

Thumbelina's Mom said...

We don't have roaches, thank God! Lots of spiders and earwigs...I hate creepy crawlies! Husband wouldn't go for the moving idea...

Priscilla said...

Oh I'm with you, spiders! I am seriously terrified of spiders. I have on occasion lost my lunch over a particularly gross spider. Seriously terrified!

kitchu said...

I'd have my for sale sign up already.

Just call an exterminator for a one time treatment. It'll be okay!

Kelly said...

Oh, our house is crawling with spiders, and they never bothered me until now... EWW! No wonder I have to change the channel if Archnopobia comes on!