Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's Vacation Time!

We are off tomorrow to enjoy almost a week of relaxing in the sun. Unless of course it rains...then we'll still be relaxing, just not in the sun.

So because I'm super busy and because it is almost time for Thumbelina to get up for her first evening shift, I will leave you with pictures from earlier this afternoon. Husband's sister and her husband are home from the City of Twins. aka the Twin Cities. You get it? Hah! I crack myself up.

Okay, I'll just shut up now and show you the pictures:

No dessert until you finish your supper!

Thumbelina and Aunt JB:

Thumbelina and Uncle AB:

And with Aunt Allie:

Isn't she just the sweetest!

Heh. I talked Shaggy into letting me take this picture of him, because I thought it would be funny in years to come to show at his graduation or wedding:

Getting ready to serenade us:

I didn't get a picture of Uncle Louie holding Thumbelina, so this will have to do:

Ooops, sorry Zoomer...I cut off the top of your head:

Try not to miss me too much!


Middle-Aged Moi said...

Have fun! Tell us ALL about it when you get back!

D & S said...

Have a great time! Keeping my fingers crossed that you'll get sun.

crazylady said...

Thumbelina is one gorgeous girl!!