Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy 2008

It's a new year. Anybody do anything exciting to ring it in? We had a small intimate party - just the 6 of us. We ate snacks and played the Wii. And then we put the Princess to bed, picked up toys and sent Shaggy and Tigger off to bed as well. We let Zoomer stay up with us to watch the big ball drop in New York at midnight, and then we were off to bed as well. Oh, and we watched Jon & Kate Plus 8 all night, because the movies that Mr. Happy and I usually watch aren't suitable for a 13-year-old. Not that we watch anything x-rated, but the other night we watched The Zodiac, which I'm sure would give any teeny-bopper bad dreams for awhile.

So this morning, Princess Thumbelina was limping a little bit on her foot...I thought maybe her jammies were too tight on her toes, but when I took them off she still kept limping around. And then later, she would limp, grap her leg above her ankle and cry. And it's a lot worse now than this morning. I do see some swelling - not a lot - but she has a doctor's appointment in about 40 minutes. And with one of the doctors in town who scored very low on Rate Your MD. But he hasn't done anything to upset me, so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. But I'd still rather be seeing my own doctor.


It's now Thursday morning; we saw the doctor in question and he said that Thumbelina's foot felt and moved normally, although her heel was quite swollen, and despite giving him multiple dirty looks (he asked if she was shy...I said no, she just likes to give looks), she played normally on the floor except for when she tried to walk. I should clarify that it was Thumbelina giving the dirty looks, not me. And then it was obvious that she was in pain. He gave her the diagnosis of plantar fasciitis, even though it isn't common in children. Which is basically a sprained heel that just took a few days to become problematic. Because she climbed out of her playpen. Twice. The stinker.

And this morning? She's running around like nothing ever happened. Except my back is sore from carrying her around yesterday. She weighs 22 lbs 14 oz.

Interesting start to the New Year.

And today is the anniversary of our referral. Such an emotional day last year. I was in total shock, and strangely enough, that night was the first night I slept all the way through in about 9 or 10 months.

But enough about me; there is a jar of pickles that needs to be opened for Shaggy. His post-breakfast snack.

Kind of makes me want to gag as I finish up my coffee.


Middle-Aged Moi said...

Hey! My mom has that plantar fascitis thingey. I'm glad Thumbelina is much better now!

Pickles in the morning? Ugh.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear T is moving around well today...can't believe referral was a year ago already, time sure does fly... can you even remember what your family was like without her?


RDC said...

We watched Jon and Kate too although we had already seen the episodes, our friends had not. Glad Thumbelina is doing well. Happy New Year!

AM said...

Whew, glad it isnt broken or something. I think Jason has/had that. Might come back on occassion.

D & S said...

What a way to start the year. I hope Thumbelina is doing even better today.