Thursday, April 26, 2007


I'm thinking about changing the name of my blog. Gasp. I know; this name is so appropriate for my life, but I'm thinking something that's more my personality...something like Just Hand Over the Joe Louis ... and nobody will get hurt. Whadaya think?

Tomorrow I'm galavanting with Husband and Thumbelina. Husband has a meeting in another townish-city, so we're going along for the ride. We are going to hit a Toys R Us and a mall because it's the Little Missy's birthday soon. And because I like to shop.

I think I have bronchitis. My throat is terribly sore and my chest hurts and I can't stop coughing. I'm going to start taking the antibiotics that I took with me to China but never used. I am a self-diagnoser when it comes to medical issues.

Shaggy has been getting his schoolwork done at school and when he does have homework, he comes home and gets it finished right away. Why, you ask? Because the cousins are living 3 houses down for a few months since their house is not ready for them to go back to because of the fire. The fire was a terrible thing, but it is having a good outcome in my after-school-life.

Thumbelina is sometimes feeling neglected when the boys go out to play and don't spend their afternoons doting on her. Except today because it was raining and they were stuck indoors. She even had 3 extra kids doting on her. It was way cute. I went to check on the kids as they were in the boys' room playing, and my 7 year-old niecy was playing with Thumbelina on the floor and calling her Princess. Priceless. And after school, the Tran has become a very popular hangout as Little Missy is quite the kid magnet. Even with 9 and 10-year-old boys. Who knew?

So changes happening all around.

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