Sunday, February 04, 2007

Updates All Around

  • Our agency called yesterday with an update on Thumbelina! As of February 1st, she had gained 3 pounds and has 3 teeth. How exciting is that! I can't wait to see her with teeth! Heck, I can't wait to see her!
  • My baby is back and I'm loving it. I had to drive home last night from a church banquet in an almost blizzard and I was feeling quite secure with my heated seats and four-wheel drive. Cozy, even.
  • We happened upon Shaggy's teacher and her family Friday night at a restaurant. They were leaving as we were coming. His teacher didn't even make eye contact with us, let alone say hi. Not even to Shaggy. Not even after he missed a whole week of school because of sickness. No Hello. No How are you feeling. No nuthin. So I'm trying sooooo hard not to be petty. It's something I really have to work on. Last night my feelings were If you can't even make eye contact, why should I bother to try to be nice to you. Today my feelings are that I should smother her with kindness. Go out of my way to be friendly. Just to make her uncomfortable. But then, there's that pettiness again. Obviously, I'm not thinking like a rational adult would - so thoughts? How would you all handle this?
  • Tigger has yellow goo oozing forth from his nose, so I've stayed home from church with him today.

I think that's about it for updates at the moment. Shaggy has a pile of homework to catch up on, so that's how we'll be spending our afternoon.


Anonymous said...

How about instead of smother with kindness, we stop at smother?lol I'm kidding!! Honestly though, she either has no social skills or she's a total bitch. Unfortunately, you don't want her to take it out on your kid so I'd be nice, but I'd be keeping an eye on her and reporting her to the principal if she so much as looks at your son the wrong way... hope he gets a great teacher next year!


Thumbelina's Mom said...

Hahahaha! She's kind of married to the principal...which is why I haven't complained about her to him yet...

If staffing stays the same way, Shag is scheduled to get one of my favourite teachers next year.

Anonymous said...

You should mess up your hair, put dirt and leaves in it, wear really nasty clothes and then show her how crazy you can be. My experience is that you can usually get people to do whatever you want once you make them understand that you are a little insane.

All in all, just have fun with it. Let me know how it goes (maybe post a couple pictures on this blog?)

I just realized something. You are the only person who has ever asked for my advice. Not to be trite but ... you complete me.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Melvin - you're still here?? When did they give you back access to computers???

Anonymous said...

I convinced management that you need my help. I showed them your blog and they read it and said something like "and we thought Melvin has issues". Not sure what they meant by that but they now tell me I'm not the worst case they've seen. Isn't that exciting!

Oh ya, I'm supposed to tell you that they might have an opening for you at my ward. I would love to have some apple juice and swap med's with you.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Book me in baby, I'm ready to go!

Anonymous said...

Ya, I can just see the two of you watching The Office and playing Scrabble together.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Not scrabble - Would You Rather

Anonymous said...

Why would she completely ignore you guys? Wow. That seems pretty petty to me. I mean, all it would take is a "hi", even if it was a fake one.....:-)


Anonymous said...

I've seen you pre-coffe in the don't need to mess your hair and put leaves in it. Just show up in the classroom before you've had that first cup..that's scary enough!!

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Melvinette - come forth and show us the real you! Seriously...who is posing as Melvinette!

Anonymous said...

I'm offended that you know not who I am! I am the inner you, the real you, the side of you that no one sees...or is it me?

Edward said...

Melvinette - come forth and show us the real you! Seriously...who is posing as Melvinette!