The boys are gone to Florida and I'm a blubbering mess. Really. Hard to believe, isn't it. They've been gone for about 1 1/2 hours and all I can think about is them and what they're doing; what are they talking about? Have they gotten into any of the snacks I packed for the plane? Are they reading any of their new books? Are they driving Grandpa crazy yet? CJ was very difficult to deal with this morning, but I think it was because he was going to miss us and he didn't know how to express himself. He started crying when he was hugging me goodbye and he wouldn't let me take his picture; then TJ started crying too. How am I ever going to let these boys go off to college??
Yesterday when Husband called the airline to confirm the flights and pay for them, it was pointed out to him that the return flight that he had tentatively booked was for March 24th...instead of March 17th...and there are no available flights from Florida in the meantime. Well, we did find one airline that could fly them back on the 18th, but it would cost us $1,000 US more and that's our China money. So the plan now is that I will fly to Floriday next Monday - I can even go to the same airport as Husband at the same time, because he flies to Europe that evening - my flight will cost $124 Canadian and is a direct one to Tampa. Then on the 24th the boys and I will fly home from Fort Meyers to Buffalo, via Orlando...seems very odd to me that we would fly from Fort Meyers to Orlando, change planes, and then on to Buffalo; we'll probably be in the air for a whole 10 minutes.
So I really see this mix-up as God's divine intervention. I will get the boy's books from school and we will home-school in Florida for the second week; AJ is disappointed that he won't get perfect attendance this year, but it's Florida! And I'm getting excited about it. I'm feeling guilty that I'm taking the easy way out by not spending the extra $1,000 to bring the boys home on time, but Husband said he would worry a lot less about me and he wouldn't feel so guilty about being away and leaving me on my own with the boys and homework. You really have no idea what homework time is like at our house until you've lived through it yourself. And it's only CJ that gives us the homework troubles. That will just leave Friday night to Sunday afternoon that the boys and I will be on our own.
They should be approaching the border soon; we wrote a letter saying that they had permission to travel with their Grandfather, so hopefully they won't run into any difficulties.
And I told Husband he still has to bring me home chocolate from Europe.
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