And Husband is going to Europe despite me not really wanting him to go. But now I'm looking at it as more of a challenge - Yes, I can be a single parent for a week. Yes, I can handle 3 boys on my own for a week. Yes, I may go crazy in the interim, but Husband has said he will buy me chocolate.from.Europe! The real thing! My mouth is watering now as I can almost taste it. Mmmmmm. So I'm going to let him go (like I have a choice) and be happy about it, just to prove to myself that I can do it. I can. I really can. Chocolate. It really is the cure-all to what ails you.
The in-laws are in Florida and have been there for a month now. They really miss the boys and want them to come down for spring break. So tentatively, the plan is that FIL is flying home Thursday of this week and then he will fly back to Florida with the boys on Sunday (there was no way I was letting them fly by themselves, so it was either he or I accompanying them, and since he is coming home anyway for a few days, Husband told him this was what it was). FIL will be flying back home with them the following Friday. The boys don't know and at first we really didn't think we could afford the tickets; Husband did some searching and found some for not a bad price, but they have a layover in Chicago and have to change planes. And since now we probably won't be travelling to China until the fall, we have a few extra months to save up our spending money that we've been spending. I don't know what I'll do without the boys for a whole week. Just blows my mind.
Alright, you've got the right way to look at it -- "chocolate from Europe" is a good salve for anything! Yum, wish I had some. :-)
Absolutely Yum!
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