Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Zoomer is starting semester exams today. He's a pretty good student but this is his first year having exams and he's having a hard time realizing that he actually needs to study. For semester exams, school is finished at 2:30 instead of 3:20 for all students, elementary included, and for the Jr. High and up, if you don't have an exam, your parents can write a note saying you're allowed to leave school property. Which Husband and I are refusing to do for Zoomer and as a result, he's furious with us. Mostly me. He wants to go to somebody's house, 20 minutes away, to study with a bunch of other 7th and 8th graders... :cough: :choke: :sputter: ...I'm no dummy - there's going to be no time left to study by the time they get there, get a snack, goof off, get another snack, open a book, goof off some more, get another snack...it's be time to go back to school. Silly, silly boys. He's also grounded from an activity night for his little temper tantrum this morning.

I wrote the above paragraph this morning before my assistant came; I don't feel right about blogging when she's around, mostly because she doesn't know I have a blog. So far so good with my assistant. I'm giving her all the filing and stuff I hate doing...bwahahahaha...

So back to Zoomer. He had a tantrum this morning for nothing - not one of his friends left the school. Not even the kid to whose house they all wanted to go. I'm rolling my eyes and shaking my head, and no, I'm not surprised.

And so far, nobody has gotten sick yet. I have a smidge of a sore ear, but I'll keep taking my vitamins and another dose of airborne. As long as we don't get the upchucking thing happening, I'm good to go.

And on that happy thought, I need to start supper.


Anonymous said...

what did you have for supper?

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Actually MacDonalds. My new truck has a gas leak (it's in the shop at this moment getting fixed) and I was going to stop to pick up something from M&M's for supper, but I was afraid to go anywhere other than straight home because of the leak, so Husband said he would do my in-town errands for me on his way back from getting semen (I still giggle over that)...anyhoo, it was 6:00 before he got back from the semen run so we opted for take-out. More info than you wanted, right?