Monday, January 22, 2007

Just a Quickie

Post silly - get your mind out of the gutter!

So my new office assistant is starting today. Wish us both luck! I'm very nervous because of my personal space issues...

We received an e-mail from our business associate that we traveled with to Banff - he was in the hospital yesterday morning with the flu. The nasty flu that takes 3 weeks to get over. So I've been making sure we've been taking all our vitamins, and I've been drinking airborne - I'm almost out, so since I haven't been able to find it here in the Great White North, it's time to make another trip south of the border.

That's about it today. I feel a tension headache coming on.


Anonymous said...

NO GETTING SICK! IT's FORBIDDEN! YOU HEAR ME? There. Did that scare the germs away?

Janet T.

Anonymous said...

So how's the new girl working out?