Monday, October 23, 2006

Can Today Be a Do-Over Day?

When my alarm went off this morning, I was in the middle of a dream. Not a very nice dream (my brother was after me because somebody got their arm cut off during a fight with Husband - much like a Stars Wars fight, so we were in hiding - at a campground on the beach of all places, thought for sure that would be the last place he'd look for me but I was wrong because there were overturned lawn chairs (the horror) - so we went to a corner grocery store to get groceries and Brother had sent some thug nicknamed 'Boy' to find us, we knew he was in the parking lot waiting for us so I was going to go out the back entrance and meet up with the rest of the family somewhere else, but 'Boy' walked past me as I was paying for the groceries and went out the back of the store, so I was stressed because I was trying to figure out what to do...and I remember earlier something about a board meeting with a bunch of accountants that started the whole fight scene). So I didn't want to wake up just then, I wanted to continue dreaming but change it somehow into a nice dream and then I wouldn't have this unsettledness about me. Don't laugh - Steve from Blues Clues said that if you have a bad dream, just change it into a nice dream. But there was no time for me to do this. Guess what I watched with the boys yesterday - Star Wars III - so that explains the fight part. Anybody else think that Master Yoda sounds like Grover from Sesame Street? And Wookies??? Seriously??? I tell you if I was an actor in that movie, they'd fire me for giggling over silly names like Wookies.

So that's how my morning started. Husband's started much worse. He hired a new guy on Saturday to start work this morning at 6:45 am. Except it is now 11:23 am and the guy hasn't shown up yet and isn't answering his phone and actually now has turned his cell phone off. He's fired, obviously, but if he didn't want the job, he should have called us and told us, rather than have people counting on him to be there and then not show up. And this guy called 3 times last week to make sure we got his resume and he even stopped by the house at the pig farm. I just don't understand people like him. Really the only excuse is is if he's in the hospital somewhere. And now that has added to Husband's stress multi-fold because we're short-staffed at the pig barn and at the home farm and he has things to do at church that needed to be done a month ago and aren't finished yet because he has had no time. And nobody is interested in helping him.

But the good new is the boys were relatively cooperative this morning. And my curling iron isn't broken after all, even though I've already replaced it. Somehow the outlets had turned off in that bathroom and I just had to press that button thingy to get power back to them. I figured that out when my blow-dryer wouldn't work. But my new curling iron has a purple barrel and that makes me feel good. So...on with the day.

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