Tuesday, October 17, 2006

How'd That Happen?

Our 13 month LID-aversary came and went without me even realizing it. Maybe after a whole year, I'm just living in a fog. I'm just befuddled. Our 13 month anniversary was Friday the 13th, so I really should have clued in and made a special note of it. Anyhoo, since I'm rushed to present you with a 13 of Something List, I would like to present you with 13 Things That Irritate Me. And this is without any thought, so I'm sure once I'm finished I'll think of a whole slew of other things that should have made the list and didn't. And please feel free to leave me your list of what irritates you in the comments. In no particular order:

1. Cream that curdles before the Best Before Date - yes, my second cup of coffee was ruined this morning.

2. People at the grocery store in the 8 items or less aisle that have more than 8 items. I can understand 9, maybe even 10 items, but when you blatently disobey the rules and check out 14 items, that's just wrong. I think you should pay for your first 8 items and then go to the back of the line with the rest of your items and wait your turn.

3. Empty containers in the cupboard and fridge. If I see a container put away, I presume there's something in it.

4. People who give candy to my children as rewards. My children do not need candy. Candy makes them miserable when they're come off their sugar-high, and I'm left to deal with the tantrums. And I don't appreciate them having sugar-free candy because I'd really rather not have to deal with cancer-causing substances in their bodies from the chemicals they use to replace the sugar.

5. People who come to our office and stand just inside the door, with the door open, because they don't want to bring dirt into the office, yet all the flies are coming in. It's a farm people, there are flies. I hate flies.

6. People who trim their fingernails with nail clippers in church. Church is not the place to be giving yourself a manicure.

7. People who don't hold the door open for others. It's just being polite. I don't expect it because I'm a woman, it's just a nice thing to do.

8. Gray hair. On me. Doesn't bother me on others.

9. Telemarketers.

10. Answering machines where you have to talk to them with your request instead of pressing a button. And calling the machine a moron or an idiot gets you nowhere. I've tried, and all I've gotten in response is I don't understand your request spoken in a way too perky voice. And perky people bug me, especially in the morning.

11. Websites that never let you leave.

12. Paper cuts - I got a doozy yesterday from a file folder.

13. Dirty toenails. This just really grosses me out. You have no idea. It makes me want to puke.

And on that happy thought, I can't wait to read your list!


Roses said...

I'm on board with the express line perps, the telemarketers, automated/interactive answering machines, and people who don't hold the door open when you're right behind them, and especially the candy-givers.
The schools keep sending home notes about "healthy snacks" and how we parents aren't supposed to send cookies or sweets for snack time. So, how come my kids' pockets have candy wrappers in them when they get home from school?

Anonymous said...

Wow - and I thot I had problems.

Jo Jo said...

i'll have to get on this complaint train later on this evening. visit me soon, i'll have 13 and be wanting to add more.

Roses said...

Okay! I came up with 13 of my own! (Okay, maybe one or two are just like yours...)

Come on over!