Thursday, October 12, 2006

Mornings Are Over-Rated

I'm not a morning person and I'll be the first to admit it, although I'm sure my family would be more than willing to add in their few cents worth. This morning was borderline disastrous. No, it wasn't that bad, just extremely rushed because I was feeling under the weather yesterday so last night I didn't make lunches or pack up backpacks or even make sure homework was finished, for that matter. Which meant we had to do all that this morning. Which we did. And I've come to realize that we've left Tigger's reader in Florida. Oy. I'm not sure how that happened, since we had a suitcase dedicated to school books and they got tossed into the suitcase after each homework session, but his reader is indeedy not in any of our suitcases. Because all our clothes (except for the dirty ones, of course - they are scattered throughout the laundry room) and other sundry purchases are spread across my bed. Anybody other than Melvin heading to Florida any time soon?

But my day is brighter now because I was mean to salesperson on the phone. I don't know why it cheers me so, but it does. A newspaper called and tried to sell me a subscription. I told him I wasn't interested and he asked if I already had enough to read. I told him I didn't have time to read. He said reading is good for the brain cells. I told him with little kids around I don't have time for anything let alone reading. He said now is the best time to be reading, with little kids around. I said Uh, yah, whatever, buh-bye. And I hung up as he was still giving his salespitch speel. And now a peace has settled over me. Even though it's snowing. Not alot but goodness it's chilly outside.

This month is quickly coming to an end. Not fast enough on the adoption front, but too fast on the homefront. Our Harvest Party is in 2 1/2 weeks (we take the kids to a Harvest Party at church instead of Trick-or-Treating - it's the best for all around because the kids still get to dress up, plus now they get to go to a party with games and candy tosses and they get way more candy than they would if they went T-or-T'ing, plus the parents can stand out in the hall and drink coffee and socialize instead of driving them from house to house, and living in the Great White North, more often than not you have winter paraphanalia covering up the costumes so what's the point) so back the HP. The theme this year is The Exodus. Meaning anything to do with the exodus of the children of Israel out of Egypt. I thought maybe they could be plagues...not too much of a stretch actually...ooooo I'm just full of snark today. No, I just didn't say my children were plagues, I said it's not a stretch for them to be plagues. There's a difference. So, ideas???

Yay, it's officially afternoon. I wonder who I can snark at now.


Middle-Aged Moi said...

I think mornings are over-rated too. And I think they should go as the plagues. You know, one as a frog, one as a fly. OR you could dress one all in red and say he came as the waters turned to blood, and the other completely in black and say that it was the darkness. OR one all in white and say that he was hail. Hee hee. At least it would be easy!


PS- I did the "weird" countdown...enjoy!

Thumbelina's Mom said...

I like the hail - I could attach the popcorn shipping stuff all over them...