Friday, December 29, 2006

Countdown to Thumbelina - 1

Well, this is it my friends. We are down to our last day in our Countdown to Thumbelina. But it ain't gonna happen today. And I'm okay with that. Mostly. Somewhat. So today, I'm not really sure what to countdown about so let's just call this one What I Wish For My Children:

So many things I wish for them, but I think the #1 thing is that they'll be friends. Not just because Mom said but because they really want to be friends. My wish is that they will discover about each other the great little things that make each one of them unique. And really, truly appreciate it about the other person.

Zoomer has a friend over until tomorrow and Shaggy seems to be the odd man out. And while I understand that Zoomer and his friend don't want to be bothered with little brothers, it breaks my heart that the friend is constantly insulting and putting down Shaggy. Because Zoomer does it. So Zoomer had a little talking to last night and was told that he needs to be nicer to his brother and if his friends can't be nice, then they won't be able to come over anymore, because it's not just this particular friend that treats Shaggy so, it's all of Zoomer's friends.. So today has been better, and they've been including Shaggy, and Shaggy seems to be behaving and in a good mood. Shag tends to get moody and sometimes doesn't know when enough is enough. And everybody gets along with Tigger; Tigger would be content to sit on my lap all day and read books.

So I don't know if any of this is making sense or not, and once little Thumbelina is added into the mix, I just hope it draws everybody closer together. I know that Zoomer and Shaggy will both be vying for her attention - I just hope it doesn't turn into the She likes me better; no she likes me better argument.

Oh, and today is my One Year Blog-aversary! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out how to post a link to that particular day since it seems to have been archived in bloggerland, so if you're interested, you can just click on December 2005 to see what fun and excitement we were up to a year ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats & Happy 1 year bloggin' anniversary :) Hopefully your boys (& thumbelina) are always friends!!! unfortunetly sometimes it takes time or an unfortunate incident or distance to get them to finally realise how much support & love they have in one another, but hopefully it takes none of the above & they just love one another for who they are!!