Saturday, December 23, 2006

Countdown to Thumbelina - 7

It's been a busy few days here at The Funny Farm. Wednesday night was the boys' Christmas program from school:

Everyone had a Tigger-ific good time:

And then on Thursday night we had our company Christmas party at a swanky restaurant. Unfortunately, Melvin made an appearance. I don't know how he found us...but here he is with Zoomer:

We felt sorry for him so we let him stay for the meal, even though he isn't an employee. And the meal was divine. Turkey and all the fixin's, perch, and the restaurant included complimentary sweet & sour shrimp. And the celery bread. I think if we had a meal of just celery bread, everyone would have been content. So much food. So much laughter. Good times, good times.

Yesterday Husband had to take Our Pal to the airport because his family is out west. Remember, Our Pal replaced E! as a manager and is working out wonderfully, except he lives out west. He's coming back January 2 indefinitely, and I'm not sure how the logistics will work out with his family. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. So I went with Husband to take Our Pal back to the airport and we did some last minute shopping in the city...not exactly in the city, but at malls with more than one level and more than 5 stores. Heaven. I came away with way more purchases than Husband. And Husband only has one person on his list. Me, silly. So unless he bought me something small that he could hide in his coat pocket, I think it's going to be a meager Christmas this year gift wise. And I'm not about the presents...I'm really not...but Husband might probably have to work on Christmas...depends if the idiots scheduled that day show up for their shift - which they volunteered for - even though they again didn't yesterday but I don't want to go into it right now. I'll save that for another post. But Our Pal is drafting up a warning letter and the two of them (the idiots) are hanging by a very thin thread.

So let's do our Countdown to Thumbelina, shall we? Today we'll do 7 Things I Need To Do Today To Get Ready For Christmas:

1. Wrap presents
2. Finish Scrapbooking Muther's and Millie's Christmas presents
3. Go to M&M's and buy nanaimo bars and other squares to make Christmas goodie plates for the boys' Sunday School teachers because I didn't get any baking done this week.
4. Do laundry
5. Iron
6. Buy dog food because Buddy is almost out
7. Watch a Christmas movie or two

Exciting, huh. I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday with lots of laughter and warm fuzzy feelings.


Anonymous said...

Melvin is much, much older looking than I pictured.

It is so nice they let him out of the home for the evening!!

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Yes, he is, isn't he.

I wonder what sort of monitoring they do for people like Melvin - GPS locator or something?

John said...

Nickel-Cadmium (NiCad). Remove and replace the old battery As devices miniaturize in size, yet enrich in features, the hapless battery is forced to produce more power in less space.