Saturday, December 09, 2006


Today is day 21 in our Countdown to Thumbelina. But unfortunately, I will not be doing a list. Sorry to disappoint. I'm having trouble focusing on anything for very long. Because panic has set in.

Pan-ic (pan'ik) n. A sudden, overpowering fear.

Thank you, Mr. Webster, for clearing that up for us.

I believe I mentioned to you that this weekend is our 20th Annual Living Christmas Tree at church. Where the choir sings the Christmas Story while standing in a 30 foot Christmas tree structure, with computerized lights in sync with the music. Pretty neat to see, actually.


The Panic.

I have a solo. Which is not the reason for the panic. I'm comfortable with how it went at dress rehearsal last night. But it turns out that somebody who came last year to the performance was disappointed that I didn't have a solo last year, so the choir director made sure to give me one this year, just for this person to hear. But now? After last night? I have 4 solos. Well, more like little narrative blips than anything else. Mrs. Choir Director's husband had 3 little solos, but he is sick. Sick, sick, sick. He looked horrible last night and sounded even worse. Husband told me that Mrs. Choir Director and the sound crew had a meeting about what to do and voted me to sing his parts. Logistically for the tree it makes sense, because I am standing one row above him and the lighting guys (who happen to be the sound guys... aka Husband and his crew) will only have to move the spotlight up a smidge. And the other male soloists in the choir are not Tenors and really can't sing that high. Oh the pressure. I know all the words, but one of the blips is really quite high and out of my comfort zone. And sounds odd. And I don't want to practice too much today and over-extend my voice.

Plus I still need to find 3 more nursery workers for the weekend. Tonight is taken care of, but not all of tomorrow or Monday.

And then I was talking to Husband about Christmas and he might have to work on Christmas Day which would mean we would only see him for a few hours in the afternoon, and I broke down and started to cry. Today, it's too much to think about.

But I did find bandaids to cover my scabby-things on my nose. Nexcare. Awesome. Perfect size and they're clear around the edges. And I'm not wearing one on the one near my eye because my glasses camouflage it pretty well. So that's one less worry.

So I think I will savor my extra-large double-double and then practice a bit, maybe put out some more Christmas decorations, work on Christmas cards, do some laundry, and find other stuff to do to keep my mind off of tonight. And spend a lot of time prayer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will do absolutly amazing, because obviously, you were voted to do it, so you are believed to be a great singer :) Don't panic, i'm sure it'll all be fine, you'll be fantastic and mr. sicko will be happy you took his place :) best wishes for the performance, enjoy :)