Thursday, April 06, 2006


Change. I always thought I did well with change. I like it when the seasons change and I'm beginning to think that I'm the only one in bloggerworld that actually likes daylight savings time. I try to go with the flow, I really do. My computer has changed. We are having a server put in and now everything has changed. Nothing is familiar; none of the settings are the same; my screen background is utilitarian gray. Ucky. My e-mail program is so totally different. Things are just not the same. And now I find out that all my passwords are gone and my computer up-chucked all it's cookies, so of course I'm feeding her some more. Yes, my computer is female...aren't they all? I crack me up. But you know what else? My list of blogs are all alphabetized. You'd think that I'd think this was great, wouldn't you. In fact, you're surprised that this is bothering me at all, I mean after all, I alphabetize my spices, why not the blogs I read? Because they were plunked under my favourites in the order that I found them and I'm used to reading about Emma first, then about Gwen, then about Mary Mia, then Macy, then then then. I am really freakin you out aren't I. Change is for the birds.


Anonymous said...

I think my computer is female too. Especially when it crashes or has memory errors. (I crack me up too)

Anonymous said...

I don't think birds like change that much....every time it gets just a little bit cold they fly south. Where did that saying come from anyway?
As for the computer, I firmly belie that they are of the masculine gender for the following reasons:

1. In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on.

2. They have a lot of data but are still clueless.

3. They are supposed to help you solve your problems, but half the time they cause the problem.

4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have had a better model.

Thumbelina's Mom said...