Friday, April 21, 2006

So Much to Talk About

Science Fair Projects have safely made it to school; the goldfish are now safely home because AJ's teacher didn't want the responsibility of keeping them alive. This sounds weird, but I think they are happy to be home. They were really freaking out on the drive home from school yesterday morning, and I forgot to bring a towel to cover their bowls with (they were too skiddish for me to let them do the driving) so the only thing I had available to cover them up with was my I discreetly took it off in the van and drove home with my slip over their bowls. It was a half-slip so it was easy to be discreet. When I put their bowls back in their spots, they stopped swimming maniacly and just rested and looked at me and smiled in their fishy smile. Well, maybe not exactly smiled, but they looked content.

** I was sitting at my desk yesterday, minding my own business and doing my work, when I saw something huge and black start to move. I was praying that this icky spider was on the other side of the window screen, but I knew it wasn't...he saw me looking at him and stopped moving. I was slowly backing away in my chair because I knew he was going to jump at me. His steely glare followed my every move. As I stood up, he jumped! Okay, maybe it wasn't exactly at me, but he jumped off of the window on to the window ledge, and it was in my direction. So now I'm starting to panic. What to do, what to do. I tried hitting him with my shoe but that made him fall on to the floor behind the printer stand. I thought maybe perfume would kill him, but I didn't want to waste my perfume on an icky spider, so I grabbed a bottole of Oxyclean foam stuff. After about 10 squirts the spider finally stopped moving. Even better, he stayed dead!

Last night Husband and I went for a little drive in the was a pretty short drive since we're already in the country...anyhoo we went to a place that has puppies. Somebody lock us up and throw away the key please, because we put a downpayment on a black lab puppy. They are 3 weeks old, and I had already made up my mind that no, we're not going to get one, but all that went out the window once I saw them. The Momma dog has a really nice disposition and a really pretty face, and when I held that little puppy and smelled his little skunk breath, I was hooked. Problem is we already have a Jack Russel who is big on attitude. We're not sure we'll be able to keep said terror, I mean terrior, once Thumbelina arrives because he's not really a people person. Yes, he thinks he is a people. He would be a really nice companion for somebody, just not somebody with kids. So I'm torn about what to do. Anyway, the boys don't know about little puppykins; we get first pick of the females, so when it's time to bring puppykins home, we're just going to surprise them with her. So please don't say anything to the boys about this. We should be committed.

**Just so you know, that is drywall dust on the window ledge from blondie; I don't like to dust, but I'm not that messy.

And now my skin is crawling because the dead spider's big brother is creeping around my desk, no doubt looking for revenge...I'm armed with my Oxyclean Miracle Foam...I can't work in these conditions!!!


Richmond said...

Oh. my. God. I would have totally freaked out with with that spider! Holy crap!!

Once again, you can sit by me....

Thumbelina's Mom said...

I hate spiders! You made the right decision in punching that creep! The good news is that I was able to kill the big brother spider as well...they're both still curled up in little balls behind the printer stand...I'm not touching them.